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Upgrading laserfiche Rio to 9.2

asked on November 12, 2014


I upgrade my server from 9.0.3 to 9.2 all steps done Successful.

in the last when i try to open laserfiche admin console and logon i get this error

Error Message: Error reading repository information, or the repository is misconfigured. [9025]  

- windows event logs 

Mounting repository 'badeatest' failed.  Please ensure that the Laserfiche Server has the ability to log in to the database used by the repository, and that the repository directory is accessible. The specified DBMS for the repository is not licensed for use with this copy of Laserfiche


plz help


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replied on November 12, 2014 Show version history

Hi Ahmed,


It sounds like something is wrong with the DBMS connection. Open up the LF admin console and right click on your repository then go to all tasks>Change DBMS connection.

If this is all correct then you may want to check your licensing and that the master license is correct and you can open License Manager etc.


Hope this helps! yessmiley

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replied on November 12, 2014

Hi Chris Douglas

many Thanks 

I check my DBMS connection it's correct .

I install Laserfiche Directory Server and upgrade my license from License manager 

how can i check it...


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replied on November 12, 2014

Can you try refreshing your master license?


Failing that I think something has gone wrong with the activation here and your next step would be to raise a support case with Laserfiche.



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replied on November 12, 2014

Hi Chris Douglas

many Thanks 

I check my DBMS connection it's Not correct .

when i Change DBMS connection faild show this msg

the laserfiche server failed to verify a valid database using the provided connection


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replied on November 13, 2014

Hi Ahmed,


I'm guessing it's probably got something to do with logon rights to SQL. Try using the SQL SA account to connect to SQL and see if that resolves your issue. Also Raymond's comments are valid in that if you have windows authentication selected then it uses the user configured to run the LF Server Service to connect to SQL.


Hope this points you in the right direction. smiley

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replied on November 12, 2014

What account are you using for the LF server service? 

Is SQL in the same machine as the LF server?

If you open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL instance you are trying to use with LF, are you able to do so?

Using SQL server management studio, are you able to create a blank SQL db independent of LF?

Are you sure you are connecting to the correct SQL db?  Using SQL server management studio, open the SQL db used by LF.  Look for the dboptions table and view top 1000 rows.  Look for the version row. What version shows there?

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replied on November 13, 2014

Hi Raymond Cruz

- I used Network Account for LF server service and SQL service

- my SQL and LF in the same SERVER

- I am connect to my SQL using windows Auth and looking for dboptions table 

the version =8.5.1


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replied on November 13, 2014

Is the account that you are using with Windows authentication the same account you are using for the LF server service?

If you set the LF Server service to local system, does it work?

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replied on November 16, 2014

I use the same Account for LF Server service windows authentication

- I set LF Server Service to local Account , Same Problem...


"The specified DBMS for the repository is not licensed for use with this copy of Laserfiche "

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replied on November 17, 2014

Please open a case with Support so we can look at the matter further.

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replied on May 13, 2018 Show version history


This thread worked for me. Thanks 

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replied on November 19, 2014

I had this issue it is was a problem with the hardware footprint. Using the machine name was giving me a different hardware footprint then using localhost (in my case the LF Server and DS Server were on the same physical machine). Using the machine name gave me this error using localhost worked.

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replied on November 19, 2014

I should note his is a VM Environment guessing the variation in the Hardware Footprint is due to the Virtual Environment.

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