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Installing Windows client on Microsoft Surface with Arm64 processor

asked on February 14

We have a client that is rolling out the Microsoft Surface with the Arm64 processors to their end users. It seems that they are unable to complete the installation of the latest version of the Laserfiche Windows client (11.0.2103.223). The installation fails and rolls back no matter how we try to complete the installation (ie. using the full install package, the windows client setuplf.exe in the "en" folder, silent install, from MECM). This happens even when running the install as an administrator. Verified that .NET 4.8 (and ASP.NET 4.8) are enabled on the PC, still fails.


Has anyone successfully completed, or tried, the Windows client installation on a Surface with the ARM processor? For Laserfiche engineers, has this issue been reported at all?



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replied on February 17

Did you see this thread ? It sounds like the install was generally successful, but that Snapshot isn't supported.

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replied on February 17 Show version history

Note: Snapshot 10 and 11 fail to install on Arm64 because they use an older version of a 3rd party print driver that does not support the Arm64 architecture.

Laserfiche Client Suite 12, planned for the Spring 2025 release in early April, includes an updated version of this print driver that supports Arm64. The feature ID for the driver update is 553099. Look for it in the changelog notes!

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replied on February 17

Hi Justin,


I suspect it's one of the other components which are failing in the background (snapshot etc.)


Another option, as part of the silent install options is to output a log file -log logpath



That may yield some further clues as to what's going on. You can also run the LF client installer from command and use some basic arguments to output a log file:-



Failing that, I'd try doing a custom install and installing just the LF client (no office integration, webtools, snapshot etc.) to see if you can narrow down which component is causing the issue.


Hope this helps!

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