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Forms: Moving from Participant Users to Educational Users

asked on March 29


We have an Educational customer who is switching from Forms Authenticated Licenses to Educational licenses. Since Authenticated participants are assigned within forms itself and then licensed to the specified Forms instance, they will need to create the accounts in LFDS, license them and the Forms User Authentication will need to change from Laserfiche Server to LFDS.

This could have impact on who is assigned what tasks in forms. Checking to see if anyone has dealt with this previously and what’s the best course of action if re-assignments need to happen.

Appreciate the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

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replied on March 29 Show version history

Have you looked into this?

EDIT TO ADD: I have not used this tool myself, I don't know how effective it is, and I don't know how well (if at all) it works in version 11.  Here's a LFAnswers post that addresses the tool and some limitations on it:

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replied on March 29

Thanks for the note Matthew

Yes we have used this with Customer's in the past without issue. 

I will pass along the other LF Answer link you posted to our Engineer who will be working on this.

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replied on March 29

Are the Forms Authenticated Participant users connected to LDAP accounts or no?

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replied on April 3

No, they are not connected to LDAP accounts.

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replied on April 3 Show version history

You will first want to check and see if any of the accounts have an @ symbol in their username. If they do, you will want to change that as it is not supported by the built-in account migration tool in Forms. The usernames need to be changed in the cf_users table first and the Forms application pool and routing services need to be restarted before running the migration tool.

Since you don't have any LDAP accounts, next you can switch Forms to use LFDS authentication. After you do this you will see a message on the User Authentication tab of the /FormsConfig site like the following:

Click the Migrate button to start the migration of the Forms Authenticated Participant accounts. This will migrate the accounts to Directory Server.

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replied on April 16

Hi Blake,


Do you have the SQL query to remove the @ for the usernames in the cf_users table? Otherwise would changing the name in the Forms Authenticated Participants tab work as well?



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replied on April 16

Here is what I have used in the past. I would highly recommend creating a backup of the Forms database before running this query.

//Replace @ Character with _ for Authenticated Participant Accounts
declare @username nvarchar(256)
declare cur Cursor local for select username from cf_users where user_type=3 and username like '%@%'
  open cur
  fetch next from cur into @username
  while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 
     update cf_users set username=replace(@username,'@','_') where username=@username and user_type=3
  fetch next from cur into @username
close cur
deallocate cur


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replied on April 18

Thank you Blake. 


I did a discovery meeting with Client and observed that one of their Forms servers with the Authenticated Participant licenses also has LDAP configured. Apart form checking the box to Retain the AD SID, is there any other step to perform?



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replied on April 18

Earlier you said that they were not using LDAP. If that's the case there is no reason to check the "Retain the AD SID" box.

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replied on April 18

When you select the option to Retain the AD SID, you will receive a prompt to confirm. Click Yes. The migration runs in the background.

To know if it has finished you can go into the Windows Event Viewer on the Forms Server and check the Forms App node. You will look for an event that states "LDAP participant migration started". A second message will say the LDAP participant migration ended.

You can also verify in the Forms database that in the cf_options table the LdapMigrationStatus value equals 5. If this value does not equal 5, do not continue and open a support case. ​​​​​​​

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replied on April 24

Hi @████████- Do you know if the LDAP participant migration will break anything with in progress tasks, access rights etc since it is updating the SID from whatever it is, to match the one in AD?

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