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Snapshot with SAML account

asked on August 29, 2022

Hello everyone, 

I have everyone in my organization using their Azure accounts to log into Laserfiche. I'm using the SAML option with directory server. The latest hurdle is that my user are complaining about having to sign in again when they use Snapshot. They are used to automatically signing in with Windows authentication but we don't do that anymore. 

Is there anyway to get Snapshot to authenticate automatically using the LF client session tokens? Any idea to make it a little easier on my users? 

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replied on August 29, 2022

Hey Lucas,

Are these users on LF 11 with Snapshot and Web Tools Agent 11?

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replied on August 29, 2022

Yes, I have been installing LF client 11.0.2201.233

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replied on August 31, 2022

This sounds like a bug, the Webtools Agent should be keeping the LFDS session alive to avoid prompting for the user's password. Please open a support case so we can investigate further.

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replied on November 29, 2022


Is there any additional configurations besides just choosing Windows Authentication allowing users to login without a prompt for their username and password?

I believe by default this setting just means they CAN login by entering their username and password, additional configuration would be needed to accomplish what Lucas is looking to do here with the tokens.

If I open a support case, I need to know which feature is not working, since Windows Auth itself IS working.

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replied on December 2, 2022

The setting is in LFDS at this page https://localhost/LFDSSTS/configuration

It is called Public computer session timeout

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replied on November 1, 2024

I have a client experiencing this same issue, with LF 11 installed this year. Was it determined that this was a bug, or is there some setting I'm not aware of to avoid this? The client is having to log into their SAML account every time they do a Snapshot, which you can understand is very frustrating.

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replied on November 4, 2024

I just had a user bring up this issue last week. I found that somehow their Web Tools agent wasn't running. Once I got it running again, they did not need to sign in everytime they were using snapshot.
Even though that post is about Cloud, it's true for an on-prem setup too. 

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replied on November 15, 2024

My client is not using the web client, and they have done a fresh download of WebTool Agent and still have the issue every time they snapshot


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replied on June 12, 2023

We're having this problem today just after upgrading to the latest directory server (we've got a different problem with SAML authentication not going through at all. Fortunately we had a second LFDSSTS server that we didn't upgrade and is still working).

Users have to login each time. It's very annoying.

However, first glance of the LF Windows Client included in the latest install package does remember the last login so it's prompting to pick an account rather than enter the email address in again completely. This is great!

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