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Office integration not working

asked on February 24, 2022

We have a few computers that are having issues with the LF office integration. We use Office 365 and are using Laserfiche Web Client 11. The LF Office integration states that it installed successfully when we run the installer, but then when the user attempts to open a Word or Excel doc it shows an error. The error states the following: 

The Laserfiche Office Integration has not been installed correctly, or is misconfigured. If you installed it while you had a Microsoft Office application open, try closing and re-opening that application.

   at Laserfiche.OfficePlugin.WebAccess.Monitor.OfficeProxy.DoWork(String command) in c:\agent\8255\s\src\SaveToLaserfiche\LFWAOfficeIntegrationHandler\OfficeProxy.vb:line 71
   at Laserfiche.OfficePlugin.WebAccess.Monitor.MonitorApp.Main(String[] args) in c:\agent\8255\s\src\SaveToLaserfiche\LFWAOfficeIntegrationHandler\MonitorApp.vb:line 25

We have tried uninstalling it, restarting the computer, re-installing it and that doesn't work. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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replied on February 25, 2022

Hi David, 


If you open up a blank Word document and navigate to File -> Options -> Add-ins, is the Laserfiche Word Add-in listed as an Active add-in? If it's not, you can click "Go..." near the bottom of the dialog to manage your "COM Add-ins" in order to activate the add-in manually.

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replied on February 28, 2022

Hi Quinn, yes the Laserfiche Word Add-in is enabled. So far its a hit and miss with various workstations. I've noticed that there is an underlying Word process that seems to be stuck in a few of the workstations. After killing the process in Task mgr the integration works fine, but that's not always the case. On other computers, I've had to restart Windows in order for it to work or completely uninstall the integration and re-install it. 

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replied on August 16, 2022

Hello David,


Did you get this resolved? What was your solution? We have started seeing some errors where on a shared work station one user can use the Laserfiche Word Add-in perfectly fine, but when another user logs in it comes up with an error. 



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replied on January 3, 2023

I have a client having this same issue with multiple users, was anyone able to find a resolution?

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