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snapshot printer not working for multi page documents

asked on April 13, 2021

When sending a multi-page document using the Laserfiche snapshot printer it prints the first page and then replicates the bottom fifth of the first page five times on each subsequent page.

I can print each individual page one at a time and they render fine but not multiple pages at once.

This just started happening on at least two workstations.

We are on Client 10.3 and 10.4 

I can use the import feature and it works okay but not the snapshot printer.


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replied on April 13, 2021

Hey Craig,

it looks like it was a Windows Patch, per LF Microsoft Windows Updates KB5000802, KB5000803, KB5000808, KB5000822 and KB5000848 May Cause Laserfiche Snapshot to Only Print the First Page of a Multi-Page Document. - Knowledge Base and some other posts on the subject: Snapshot Corruption with Multipage Documents - Laserfiche Answers

At our Office we've found that our Windows 10 machines with KB5000802 were the issue.

Installing the 20H4 update, and then KB5001649 fixed the issue.

Hope that helps.

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replied on April 13, 2021

Thanks so much! That was the ticket.

Our network administrator downloaded the out-of-band update and I ran it on my workstation and the printer correctly split an 11 page document and stored it in the repository.


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replied on April 13, 2021

Thanks for the heads up, I am trying to get that patch from my network administrator now.


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