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change odbc driver for existing repository

asked on February 19, 2021

We are using Laserfiche ver 10.4 and are planning to upgrade current SQL server 2016 to 2017.

My existing repository is using ODBC Driver 11 for connection.

I have two versions of ODBC Drivers 11 and 17 in the Laserfiche server.

How can I switch existing repository to use ODBC Driver 17 instead of Driver 11 ?


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replied on March 2, 2023

I looked up the Microsoft guidance on ODBC driver versions and found this:

So even though the v11 driver wasn't officially tested with SQL Server 2019, that explains why everything still works more or less though perhaps not optimally. I don't think it's the cause of the specific error message I'm seeing as that seems to be more to do with network conditions or perhaps a VMWare nic issue.

Though, I'm a little surprised we didn't get some kind of warning about this on either the Laserfiche side or the SQL Server side. Or if we did we somehow managed to overlook it.

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replied on March 1, 2023

I hate to revive an old thread but find myself in a similar position except we've *already* upgraded to Laserfiche 11 and SQL Server 2019. The Laserfiche server has both ODBC Driver 11 and ODBC Driver 17 installed (17.6 specifically) but looking at some SQL errors in the event log, the Laserfiche server appears to still be using ODBC Driver 11. Is there a place to configure that in the Administration console or is it done as part of the install process?

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replied on March 1, 2023

The Laserfiche server will keep the driver specified for existing repositories on upgrades. If you un-register it and re-register it, Laserfiche 11 will switch to v17.

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replied on March 2, 2023

We are using SQL server 2016 and have odbc version 11 & 17 on the LF server.

I have tried to un-register and to re-register repositories, but it still uses ODBC Driver 11 ?


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replied on March 2, 2023

v17 is the default version in Laserfiche 11. Laserfiche 10.4 defaults to ODBC v11, so you would have to update first.

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