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Upload Laserfiche Document/s to a Form

asked on August 17, 2018

Hi All,


I know this has been asked before, a few times:-


But we've just run into this again for another customer. Unfortunately this a show stopping limitation in this case, and the customer (and myself to a certain degree) cannot believe that this still isn't possible. I know this is possible in the Laserfiche app, but not within the desktop version (where 99.9% of the users will be accessing forms internally).


This is a fundamental piece of functionality, in that you want to upload and pass around along side the process itself, reference documents or documents you want to change or add as part of this task/process.


Can we get a concrete answer as to when and if this functionality be available in Laserfiche Forms in the future?



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replied on August 17, 2018

Hello Chris, The only work around that i have been able to come up with is to have the workflow place the document as a pdf in a shared windows system folder, then insert a url to the business process form referencing the document.  This way when the user in which the form is assigned to clicks the link, the document will open in a browser window.  But, with that being said, this is something that i would have loved to see as out of the box option a long time ago.

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replied on August 17, 2018

Hi Glenn,


Thanks for this, yes we've also looked into some elaborate options using web access links etc. but this really should be 'out of the box' functionality, as it's pretty fundamental.


You can see how the conversation went down today....

Customer:- Can you upload documents to the form?

Me:- Yes absolutely.

Customer:- Ok cool

Me:- So where are the documents you want to upload?

Customer:- In my document management system, Laserfiche.

Me:- can't add them from there.


Me:- blushfrown

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replied on October 16, 2018



Do we have any kind of timeline for this yet? 10.4 maybe?



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replied on March 14, 2019

Hi Laserfiche,


Is there any update to an expected timeframe on this?



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replied on November 7, 2019

Is there any update to this feature request, this is a weekly request now from our customers.

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replied on May 6, 2021

Hey Chris,

Do you know if a solution was ever provided for this?

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replied on May 6, 2021


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replied on June 14, 2024

Following! I need this feature too!

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replied on June 16, 2024 Show version history

Hi Gloria,

I don't think this can be supported in short time because it needs Forms, Repository and Web Access to interact, but we will take a look if we can get a solution for this. A workaround you may use now is to setup WebDAV for the repository, mentioned in

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replied on June 16, 2024

We do have a feature request[ID:162591] for this, but I don't have an ETA when it can be supported for now.

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