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Discussions Licensing

asked on June 1, 2016 Show version history

How does the licensing work for discussions?

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replied on June 1, 2016

Hi Chynna, 

Laserfiche Discussions is part of Laserfiche Rio. All named users (retrivial and full) have full access to view and post on the Laserfiche Discussions collaboration site. 

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replied on March 7, 2017

Is there any way to make it available for the Public as well?

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replied on April 4, 2017

Tim, did you ever find out if it can be made available to the public?

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replied on December 18, 2017

Hi Justin, 


We need to know apart from Discussions only being in RIO, can we have unlimited community / Discussions users. Or do they all have to be allocated a license.


please advise? 




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replied on December 5, 2018

Hi guys 
did you ever find out if it can be made available to the public? with Weblink for instance?

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replied on June 1, 2016

You could talk to your VAR about Social BPM. 

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