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Deactivating demo license on a test environment

asked on January 18, 2016 Show version history

Hi all,

I wish to know how to deactivate the demo license on a test environment. I have used "cmd" to do it. However, there is no indication that the license has been deactivated. Please find attached screenshot of the command.

Thanks to advise how to deactivate it.

Kind Regards,


deactivate license.jpg
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replied on January 18, 2016

you can try by reactivate it and see if you have an error,

but it should have worked if you have not receive any error message

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replied on January 18, 2016

hello Sheila

1. to know your license deactivated successful login to laserfiche support site & check the Server License      Remaining Activation Column from the Current Products Table.

2. uninstall the laserfiche server module which will deactivate product automatically .


Note: Make sure Internet connectivity is available during deactivation time.


Thank You.


Best Regards

Mazahir Naya 


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replied on January 18, 2016

Hi Sheila,

If the demo kit is still activated after running that command, try re-running the command with the -fingerprint flag and the hardware fingerprint of the machine where the product you'd like to deactivate is installed. Check this explicitly even if the machine you are running this command on is in fact the machine with the installation in question.

Note that as Mazahir has said, if you already have access to the installation machine, simply uninstalling will automatically deactivate the license. The manual deactivation process was intended for situations where access to the installation was impossible due to hardware wipes, broken machines, etc.

If deactivations continue to fail, open a support case and we can troubleshoot in greater detail.

Hope this helps!

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replied on January 18, 2016

By default, uninstalling an appropriate Laserfiche product automatically deactivates that product. This article documents how to manually deactivate select Laserfiche products.


See the following Technical Support checklist.


  • Firewall: Make sure port 443 is open on the firewall. It is used by the activation utility to activate and deactivate.
  • Product name and serial number for the product you are trying to activate or deactivate.
  • The MAC address of the machine on which you are trying to activate or deactivate
  • The activation key that is being used, or was used
  • A screenshot of any errors you may be getting during activation or deactivation
  • A description of the behavior of the program during this process
  • If trying to deactivate, a copy of the .licx and Activation files for the product. These will be located in the product's installation directory.
    • For Quick Fields 8, please go to the following directories:
      • Windows XP and 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Laserfiche\Quick Fields and acquire a copy of activation.xml and lf.licx files.
      • Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7: C:\Program Data\Laserfiche\Quick Fields\Licenses
  • The ActivationTool.exe utility's log file: By default the utility writes to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Laserfiche\LFActivationLog.txt" or "C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche\LFActivationLog.txt."
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