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Need to solve error 2753

asked on January 7, 2016



I have a problem with the Image Compression in LF 9 and the solution is to use the compression tool


This tool requires LF 81 to be installed, because it depends on LFSO81.

But once you installed LF 9 in a PC, you cannot install LF 8.1 any more, even if you remove LF 9, due to the error 2753: "The File 'LFSession.exe.1606D57C_7C31_40C1_8AC2_32C0B957420' is not marked for installation"


This case is described in KB 1012878, but the solution proposed there is not working with LF 9.


Could you please help? I don't care removing EVERYTHING related to LF 9 from this machine, as I will only use it for compressing images. Just I need to know how to solve this issue, without reformatting the PC.


Thank you for your help and best regards,


Ignacio PdeA

BMB sal - Lebanon

1 0


replied on January 7, 2016

OK, I found the solution:


Manually delete the file C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Laserfiche\LFSession.exe


Hope it could help someone else!


Best regards,


Ignacio PdeA

BMB sal - Lebanon

1 0
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