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Possibility to make a workflow be completed until another workflow is completely satisfied

asked on August 18, 2015

Hi all,

I have 2 workflows but each of them is using two different metadata templates. I have a field Staff list which consists of all users which is populated based external table from a MSSQL table.

A document A (for instance, Entry ID: 50) is created using a template named as 'Entry Sheet', I have a workflow A which routes shortcut of that document to a user based on a satisfied condition. An example: the document is routed between 2 users: User X -> User Y.

The shortcut is still not yet deleted on the working folder of User Y and the Entry Sheet Status is ‘Awaiting for a reply note’.

Another document B is created using a template ‘Reply Sheet’. On the template, there is a field 'Reply Approval' of list type and a field ‘Master Doc ID’. The value of the ‘Master Doc ID’ is equal to the ID of the document A (i.e. 50). Once, the value is changed to Approved, the workflow B is completed by automatically assigning another field 'Reply Status' to Completed. 

Now, I want to automatically set the Entry Sheet Status metadata field of document A to Completed and the shortcut of User Y should be cleared based on these conditions:

  1. Reply Status = Completed on workflow B
  2. The initiator of Workflow B = the last user where the shortcut is found in Workflow A
  3. Entry ID of document A = Master Doc ID on template B

Is it possible to make such types of conditions to end another workflow?

Is it possible to make a workflow be completed until another workflow is completed?


Please advise.







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replied on August 18, 2015

Hi Sheila, 

There is no way to set "ending conditions." However, if these workflows need to be synced up, you could use the Invoke Workflow activity to pass parameters from workflow A to B (and from B back to A), such as the entry ID of Document A. You could also set it so that Workflow A will not continue until the invoked workflow B finishes. 

Hope that helps!

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replied on August 18, 2015

Using Invoke Workflow you are able to pass tokens from the Invoking workflow (A) to the invoked workflow (B). You are also able to output tokens from B to use in the remainder of A. You cannot directly pass conditions, although you should be able to use the "Wait for Entry Change" activity at the end of Workflow B to make sure the metadata has been set correctly before you continue with Workflow A. Here are some sample configuration images.

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replied on August 21, 2015

You would need to look at the invoked workflow instance by searching for it via the search pane. It looks like the Query Data activity is having an issue.  

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replied on August 24, 2015

Are you using the parameters in your Query Data? Perhaps they aren't valid which is causing issues. It's hard to tell without looking at the specifics in the terminated instance. If you open that up you should be able to see where the invoked workflow is failing and get a better sense for troubleshooting.

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replied on August 18, 2015

Hi Kevin,

Thanks a lot.

 I did not understand this phrase"from workflow A to B (and from B back to A)". Can you please give a screenshot of how to start with?

 So, Invoke Workflow activity will cater for all parameters / conditions i want to pass.

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replied on August 19, 2015

Ok, I will try it out for my scenario and will keep you posted.

I have another question:  I have a metadata field 'Status' which is of List type. I want to know how to set this field to Editable only for the user who initiates the workflow (i.e. the one who starts the business process).  Is this possible?

Thanks to help on this.

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replied on August 20, 2015

Hi Kevin,

I have a workflow A which routes shortcut of that document to a user based on a satisfied condition. I have used the Invoke Workflow activity to start the workflow B. The invoke workflow has been completed without any intervention.

This is the first time I am using the Invoke workflow activity, help will very much appreciated.

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replied on August 20, 2015

I have used the Track Token to monitor all activities. I am getting this error :'A syntax error was encountered while processing the search or query statement. [9084]'.

Please find results for the invoke workflow input parameters.

Kindly enlighten me.

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replied on August 20, 2015

Please see a full screenshot (attached: Invoked workflow issues.docx )of my workflows and the invoked workflow is not being launched.


Thanks to advise.


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replied on August 23, 2015

But, the Query Data is working fine. Its only when I added parameters for Invoke workflow, I am getting these errors.

Please advise how to solve it.

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replied on August 27, 2015

Kevin, I have attached a word doc. with all the screenshots. Yes am using Query Data in my invoked workflow.


Please help me out.

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replied on September 2, 2015


This is my main workflow A which is routing shortcut of document to respective users.


When the shortcut has been placed in MF working folder. MF requires a reply to that shortcut and thus updates a drop-down field by selecting ‘Yes’ and the Status is changed to Awaiting for reply.

The reply workflow (B) is then invoked and this workflow creates a reply between CFO and MF. It is MF who creates a reply as the shortcut is still in his working folder. If he is OK with the reply, he set a field Reply Approved to Approved and another field Reply Status is set to Completed. Please find screenshot of my reply workflow.

Once, the Reply Status is set to Completed, the invoked workflow B should then be closed.

The Status for Workflow A should be changed to Completed and the shortcut should be deleted from MF working folder.


The invoked workflow (B) is marked as Completed.

I am getting an error as the invoked workflow is being terminated.

When, I am running the invoked workflow separately, it is working fine but when calling it in the main workflow, it is not working. I am getting the termination error. Thanks to help.

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