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search instance id

asked on February 24, 2015


It’s possible to search for instance ID on the inbox?.  What we want is that the user will receive a printed document with the instance ID printed as a bar code, and use a barcode scanner for search the instance ID.


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replied on February 26, 2015

Hi Ricardo,

After a form is submitted, you can use either Forms or Workflow to capture the form's instance ID. 

To configure this in Forms, in the Process Modeler use the Save to Repository service task. Within this service task, you have access to a list of tokens related to the form, including Instance ID. I recommend that you create an Instance ID metadata field to hold this value, which Workflow can then access and utilize. This answers post gives the details on configuring the field, and this one offers more ideas on how to utilize it. 

If you'd rather not save the form to the repository, then in the Forms Process Modeler use the Laserfiche Workflow service task. Under Workflow Name, specify the workflow to be kicked off. To configure that workflow to capture the form's instance ID, first right click on the workflow's canvas and select View Properties. Under General, check the Attributes option that says "Started by Laserfiche Forms." Now you can access a list of tokens related to Forms, which includes the token BP Instance ID. This list is under the heading Input Parameters (as opposed to Global). The image below shows the Input Parameters list and the BP Instance ID token, which I accessed via the Assign Token Values activity. 

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replied on March 3, 2015

Thanks for the suggestion, but what we want is search within the Form inbox, so a user can use the instance ID as a search parameter.

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replied on April 15, 2015 Show version history

Hi there,

In Forms 9.2, you can customize the Instance name to include instance ID. Instance name is searchable in Inbox.


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replied on March 3, 2015

Hi Ricardo,

Looking at the Forms Help Files, with the Search bar you can "search by process name, task name, or the person who started the process (in most cases this is the person who submitted the initial form)." Because this is the case, my idea (if applicable) was to put the forms of interest in a position where you have more functionality - i.e. in the repository or Workflow. If you like and have any more details on this use case that you could provide (in particular regarding the barcode, and its role between the user and Forms), I can pass your information along to the Forms development team as a feature request. 

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