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Feature Request: Allow Inclusive Gateway to Merge with Parallel Gateway

asked on July 29, 2014

Currently if I want to setup a way for multiple users to be able to process a form based on specific conditions and wait for all of them to take an action, I need to send it to one user and then another, then another, etc. It would be a lot more efficient if I could use an inclusive gateway to send it to all of them at the same time and then use a parallel gateway to wait for all of them before continuing. For an example of what it would look like, see this post.

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replied on February 12, 2015 Show version history

Our developers are still aware of this feature request.

In the meantime, this is something I came up with recently to accommodate the desire for this functionality. Maybe it'll help you too. 

Note that in taking this approach you succeed in having the process wait until all branches are complete, but by default only the last action saved gets evaluated. You'll need to create a field on each form that indicates the action. Your conditional decision will be able to evaluate all the field variables against one another.

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replied on August 1, 2014

Hi Blake,


Thanks for this request! I've talked to the Forms team about the functionality you're looking for, and they may have a solution for this in the future.

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replied on August 29, 2014

Hi Kelsey,


We have also encountered a need for this.  Do you anticipate this being applied to a forms update soon?  Thank you.

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replied on February 12, 2015

I was just wondering if Laserfiche has put anymore thought into whether this will be coming in a future version of Forms?

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replied on February 12, 2015 Show version history

Our developers are still aware of this feature request.

In the meantime, this is something I came up with recently to accommodate the desire for this functionality. Maybe it'll help you too. 

Note that in taking this approach you succeed in having the process wait until all branches are complete, but by default only the last action saved gets evaluated. You'll need to create a field on each form that indicates the action. Your conditional decision will be able to evaluate all the field variables against one another.

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replied on April 20, 2017

Is the purpose of the exclusive gateways labeled "Merge Finance Paths", "Merge HR Paths", and "Merge Registrar Paths" before the parallel to wait until all 3 are complete?



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replied on April 20, 2017

The purpose of the merge gateways that you mentioned is because if you connected those paths directly to the Parallel gateway instead, it requires all incoming paths to come in before moving on. Since only one of the paths would ever get to the parallel gateway, you use the merge gateways and then have one outgoing path from it.

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replied on July 19, 2017

Blake I did what you suggested but my process keeps terminating if one step in the merge gateway finishes first

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replied on July 20, 2017

Can you share a screenshot of how yours is setup?

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replied on July 20, 2017

Our Process is crazy to be honest (i attached our agency flow chart). The top process that goes through the "same chain of command" exclusive gateway works PERFECTLY. We have some chains of command that may start at lieutenant or captain and some don't have a major. I tested it out with different variations and it works great.  I use conditional expressions on every task to different outflows.


The New chain of command branch is giving me issues.! I planned on having this split the process into the employees new chain and old chain and merge when it comes back to the chief deputy and sheriff with all approvals. I mocked it to work similar to the top process and it keeps getting terminated once I "jump chain of command" where one side of the branch would ultimately have less steps. for example:

Current Chain: Supervisor, Manager, Director, Chief(4 steps)

New Chain: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Chief(5 steps)

this would terminate at the director step or the Lieutenant step (whichever was completed first"


SO i took the conditional expressions out and made a "perfect world senario" 

Current Chain: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Chief(5 steps)

New Chain: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Chief(5 steps)


and this worked. So i am wondering if i should have a catch throw at some point?

FLOW CHART.pdf (588.12 KB)
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