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Gateway Merging Question (Problem)

asked on July 17, 2014 Show version history

We have the following process:

The form submits correctly and gets through the additional routing gateway without a problem. For some reason once it reaches the "Additional Routing Merge" gateway, nothing else happens. This is what the results screen looks like:

There is no information for the current step or step start date. In the instance details it looks like this:

It never gets to the "Approved or Denied" gateway. I am assuming what is happening is that for some reason the "Additional Routing Merge" gateway is waiting for additional flows, but I don't know why or how to fix it. Any ideas?


Attached is the Export of the BP.


Administrator edit: Business Process attachment was removed as it was containing personal data.

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replied on July 29, 2014

For those that would like to know how we have currently overcome the scenario above, see the screenshot below.

The "Director of Elementary" gateway looks to see if a checkbox is checked for the form to go to the "Director of Elementary". If not, it bi-passes that user task and goes to the merge gateway. The "Accepted or Denied" gateway then looks to see if the form was rejected. If not, then it goes to the "Directory of Secondary" and goes through the same process.If it was rejected, it goes down the reject path.

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replied on July 17, 2014

Blake, I removed the attachment from your post because it was containing data that you may not want available on a public site (domain and user names, etc).

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replied on July 22, 2014

Thank you. Didn't realize that was included.

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replied on July 18, 2014

I believe I had this problem as well. 


If I am correct, the gateway is actually waiting to have all inputs provide information. It does not understand that these incoming arrows are not always used. It never gets beyond this gateway because of this. I do not think you will actually be able to ever get through the gateway in the current version as you have an arrow for when no additional routing is needed, so their either will be 5 arrows never providing information to the gateway, or 1 gateway not providing information/not being satisfied

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replied on July 22, 2014

Does someone from Laserfiche have any input into what Kenneth mentioned?

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replied on July 28, 2014

Is there any recommendation from Laserfiche on how to work around this problem?

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replied on July 28, 2014


It is clear when reviewing the gateways in regards to merging behavior that you are not using the correct one.


You may instead wish to revise the merge with a series of different gateways. I would also use a secondary gateway as a controller.


Say, you want only 1 of 4 potential gateways to be used as the actual gateway to proceed in the process. you can use this secondary gateway as a way to force the behavior that you are experiencing now. This may be done with the exclusive gateway type, where you set up the outflows based on the selection for who else the process needs to be routed to. In doing this, we ensure that no other gateway is used as only 1 gateway combining arrows will ever be able to be completely satisfied. 

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