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How to link a auto fill button with the expand function when you expand a collapsed section?

asked on July 29, 2014

Hi, can any one please tel me if it is possible to link a auto fill button with a collapsed section. If one opens the collapsed area the auto fill button must me selected. Is this possible using a java script?

please see attached file.


LF.PNG (45.3 KB)
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replied on July 31, 2014

You should check out this post which talks about how to auto fill fields without having to click on the auto fill button. 


If you require someone to manually click on the auto fill button, I would keep it simple and provide some instructions for the user, e.g. click on the auto fill button to populate the below table. If you make the fields in the table required, then the user will not be able to submit form until the data is populated.


Hope that helps!

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replied on July 31, 2014

Hi Cathy,


Thank you very much it helped allot and it worked.

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