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Forms drop down displaying on two lines

asked on July 15, 2014

 I have a forms table that includes a drop down list.  I  have set the viewing percentages so that the largest value in the drop down can be fully displayed when viewed in Forms.  However, when the form is sent into Laserfiche, the value is displayed on two lines.  Example


dropdown value:  


1224 Main Street, Hollywood, CA


View in PDF sent into Laserfiche:


1224 Main Street Hollywood, 





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replied on July 17, 2014

You can get around the file restriction by changing the .xml file extension to something else, like .txt. That way you can upload the process and I can grab it and change the extension back. Admittedly it is a cumbersome workaround.


As for the issue, you're specifying a column width for your table's fields, which is fine. Forms is setting the select boxes inside those columns to a percentage of the column's width, by default. This is not intended behavior and it's something we'll look at fixing.


The first step is setting column widths that will accommodate the options in your drop-downs, which you've done. In my testing, I assigned the first two columns 45% and 35% width, leaving the date column unassigned.



Then you can override the CSS rules causing your drop-down widths to be narrower than you wanted.


.touch .cf-table, .cf-table {width:100% !important;}


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replied on July 16, 2014

Hi there,


Which version of Forms do you use?

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replied on July 17, 2014

Hi Abby,

I use 9.1.1.



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replied on July 17, 2014

This issue may be related to the one covered in this question.

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replied on July 17, 2014

My field is not a read-only drop down.  Would this still apply?


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replied on July 17, 2014

It's possible. If you could attach your process here I could take a look and give you a better idea of what's going on. I'm assuming the issue is some of the CSS styles that Forms uses when creating a print copy of a form.

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replied on July 17, 2014

Hi Eric,

I am not able to post the .xml business process, I get this message when trying:The selected file Business Process Submission Test.xml cannot be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: txt, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, rtf, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, odt. Should I email this to you?


It will be a test business process that I created so I don't have to post direct information about our customer.  If you choose either option 1 or 3 in the location field, you'll see that it displays properly on the form but not on the file sent into LF.  I tested sending both a tiff and pdf, each one has the value displayed on two lines.



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replied on July 17, 2014

You can get around the file restriction by changing the .xml file extension to something else, like .txt. That way you can upload the process and I can grab it and change the extension back. Admittedly it is a cumbersome workaround.


As for the issue, you're specifying a column width for your table's fields, which is fine. Forms is setting the select boxes inside those columns to a percentage of the column's width, by default. This is not intended behavior and it's something we'll look at fixing.


The first step is setting column widths that will accommodate the options in your drop-downs, which you've done. In my testing, I assigned the first two columns 45% and 35% width, leaving the date column unassigned.



Then you can override the CSS rules causing your drop-down widths to be narrower than you wanted.


.touch .cf-table, .cf-table {width:100% !important;}


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replied on July 17, 2014

Thanks, Eric.  This is working now.

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