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FORMs save to repository as pdf - squishes dropdown field input on pdf file

asked on January 24, 2014 Show version history


I have a HR form and one of my options is a dropdown box that has a few long entries.  I save the output form to a pdf for record keeping however when these drop down items are chosen it looks bad on the pdf.  I am attaching an example.


is there some way that I can fix this, maybe css coding?

Capture.JPG (32.05 KB)
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replied on February 27, 2014

When Forms converts fields to read-only, it changes how they are displayed (e.g. a the selection for a drop-down is placed inside a <div> when it is read-only. You can change how these fields are displayed in read-only mode (or when printed as a PDF) but you'll need to make sure you're targeting the right element with your CSS.


The Forms team is aware of this issue and will address it in a future release.

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replied on January 24, 2014

Here is scripting side, I have tried a few simple css commands #q18 input ..... but they didn't help in the end.  it looks correct on the form but the pdf output squishes it together.

Capture2.JPG (53.98 KB)
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replied on January 24, 2014

I'm having trouble reproducing this issue. What is the drop-down field's width set to on the Edit page? is the field read-only? What are the other values for the field?



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replied on January 24, 2014

First its a hidden Dropdown based on the radio button selection.  when you select Quit as the radio button option it shows a drop down list the label on the list is Quit and the the dropdown is set to x-large.  Its not read-only, the choices are long however for example: "0100 - Did not return, no notice/reason given"



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replied on January 24, 2014

Are you able to export your business process and attach it here? That might help us isolate the issue.

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replied on March 6, 2014

can i email you the business process?

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