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WebLink Custom Search by Text

asked on June 3, 2014

I currently have a similar issue mentioned in another topic that is locked so I figured I would add this to issues with WebLink 8.2.2 and Laserfiche 9.1.1.  When our customer had WL 8.2.2 and LF 9.0.2 a text search on a custom search page would act as if the text was in quotes.  Thus searching for John Doe actually searched like "John Doe" even though you can't put quotes in the test search box.  Now after upgrade LF to 9.1.1 this same search acts like there is an OR between the words.  Thus a search for John Doe will actually find documents that have John OR Doe.  

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replied on June 3, 2014

The trace provided indicates that the customer is actually using WebLink 8.2.0. Please upgrade them to WebLink 8.2.2 and confirm if there's still an issue.

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replied on June 9, 2014

As indicated in your previous thread, the quick search for an exact phrase isn't working correctly and is a bug. This thread regarding the exact phrase search in a custom search is an issue in WebLink 8.2.0 and fixed by upgrading to WebLink 8.2.2.

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replied on June 3, 2014

This would be considered a different issue as your previous post. It basically stems to how WebLink is sending the advanced search syntax to the Laserfiche Server to perform the search.


What element is your field bound to? Is it bound to the "Document Text" search type? Please open a support case so this issue can be looked into further. It'd be helpful to enable LFS tracing for only the search event class. Then recreate the issue in WebLink and provide us with the .etl file. This way we can see the exact search syntax that's being sent to the server.

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replied on June 3, 2014

It is a text search.  I'll enable tracing and open the case.

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replied on June 3, 2014

I was asking about the specific field being used for the phrase search. In the search form designer, you select an element to bind the field to. I would like to get confirmation if you're using "Document Text" or some other search type. See below for reference


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replied on June 3, 2014

No, it is set to "Any Text".  I am in performance monitor on the LF server and am unsure of which trace to enable.  I see one for Laserfiche Full-Text Index and Search Engine Trace.  Is that correct?

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replied on June 3, 2014

Go into C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Server and run LFTraceCtl.exe. Then start a trace with only the "Search" event class. See below



Once the trace has started, run the search in WebLink. After the search completes, stop the trace and provide the .etl file to Laserfiche Support for review.

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replied on June 3, 2014

The trace provided indicates that the customer is actually using WebLink 8.2.0. Please upgrade them to WebLink 8.2.2 and confirm if there's still an issue.

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replied on June 9, 2014

I've upgraded the WL to 8.2.2 and am having the same issue.  I will update the case once the support portion of the LF site is back up and upload a new trace file.  

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replied on June 9, 2014
Please verify that you are enclosing the search phrase in double quotes.
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replied on June 9, 2014

You can't enclose an "Any Text" search type in double quotes in a custom search. This part however is working correctly now after the upgrade.  I was getting this thread mixed up with the other that concerns the Quick Search portion no longer recognizing quotes to search on a phrase.  That portion is still not working like it previously did.  If I put in "John Doe" then it treats it like John And Doe.  If I put in John Doe then it treats it like John or Doe.  I am unsure of how to search on an exact phrase since it doesn't seem to recognize the quotations as relating to a phrase.

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replied on June 9, 2014

As indicated in your previous thread, the quick search for an exact phrase isn't working correctly and is a bug. This thread regarding the exact phrase search in a custom search is an issue in WebLink 8.2.0 and fixed by upgrading to WebLink 8.2.2.

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