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WebLink Quick Search by Phrase

asked on June 2, 2014

We have a customer who is using WebLink 8.2.2 and was on Laserfiche 9.0.1.  With this setup they could use the quick search portion of WebLink to search by a phrase (e.g. "John Doe") and it would only return results that matched the phrase.  They have now upgraded Laserfiche to 9.1.1 and the same search returns all documents that have "John" and "Doe" but not necessarily as a phrase.  In looking through the WebLink documentation it does not mention the Quick Search portion supporting phrase searching but since it worked in 9.0.1 it seems odd that it would stop with 9.1.1.  Should phrase searching be working in WebLink 8.2.2 with any versions of Laserfiche?  Has anyone else run into this issue?


replied on June 2, 2014

It should work fine if you use double quotes around the phrase.

replied on June 2, 2014

It is not.  Here is a screenshot searching for "john doe" and you can see it does not do a phrase search. I've hidden everything specific to the customer.

replied on June 2, 2014 Show version history

Please open a case with Laserfiche Support. Enable Laserfiche Server tracing and only trace the search event class. Then re-run the search from WebLink. Stop the trace and provide us with the .etl file so we can see what the exact search syntax was.



This seems to be a bug in WebLink. The thread will be updated again when more information is available.

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