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Forms 11 Table field not populating values

asked on February 7 Show version history

Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 11.0.2311.50553
Modern Designer

I have tried several ways to get a value in these rows but have failed. I have tried setting a default value, also setting the formula to the value of another field. Same result: it populates down to about the 23rd row and then stops. This is a timesheet, so there usually 30 to 31 rows. 

Here are pics of the field in question:

Here is the results I am getting:

FYI, the results are the same when I enter a default value as well as if I set the formula to "=someVariable".

Anyone see this before?


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replied on February 9

Hi Chris,

I could not reproduce this on Forms 11.0.2311.50553.

How did you populate the table rows? By manually adding them or by lookup rules?

Can you try if the issue exists on a new process when the table only has this single line field?

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replied on February 10 Show version history

I was only trying to populate the value by setting it as a default value. 

I could get this resolved when a related issue was solved on this post. In other words, once the issue was resolved on this other post, these values began populating normally. So the issues are related. 

As I said on the other post, I am trying to reproduce the issue to share more details. Thanks for the response!

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