I am experiencing this again. I had mentioned this before on this post but could get it going by setting the lookup to be per row (all values are per row and NOT outside of the table). Also, I did not hear if this is expected behavior or a bug.
I can see that lookup is returning the value via the Network tab in Chrome:
However, the value never makes it to the field in the table:
If I click the drop down value, it then populates. I have attempted to use javaScript to retrigger the lookup, but doing so really negatively impacts the time before the user can interact with the form. It takes to long to load AND is a workaround. However, by retriggering the field it will load correctly. No the issue seems to only be on load.
Here is the lookup:
There are no formulas on any of the above 3 fields.
Forms Data Types:
EmpID = Number
CalendarDayID = Number
hotText = Text/ Single Line
SQL Data Types:
EmployeeID = bigint
CalendarDayID = bigint
holYN = varchar(5)
Happen to ring a bell for anyone? Can anyone reproduce this in their environment?