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Help with spacing on table columns and around the delete button

asked on February 3

I am struggling to figure out how to reduce the extra white space around the delete X button on a table in one of my forms.  

The layout with only one row on the table fills the entire width of the form.

But when a user adds new rows, the table shrinks and there is a LOT of white space around the X button.

How can I reduce the white space around the X button?


Also, I have four columns in my table that have only 3 characters in the entry fields.  How can I make these columns smaller?  I have tried dragging column width in designer, but can't get it to go as small as I want it.  It only moved to a certain point.


I am self-hosted using Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 11.0.2212.30987 (using form designer, not classic)

Any help on either of these issues is appreciated.  

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replied on February 5

It was determined that the excess padding around the delete button was due to fields I had hidden on the table.  After reviewing further with the end user, I was able to remove the hidden fields and now things look much better.

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replied on February 4

Do you have any custom CSS on the form?

I haven't been able to able to reproduce the issue with the X button in 11.0.2311.50564

For the columns, you can try this post: Modern Designer Set Column Width - Laserfiche Answers

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replied on February 5

I agree with Jason, it sounds like there is other CSS that is affecting the delete button width.  

You can use this to adjust the default:

/* Adjust the size of the remove button */
.lf-icon-btn {
    width: 20px; /* Adjust the width as needed */
    height: 20px; /* Adjust the height as needed */
    font-size: 12px; /* Adjust the font size as needed */
    padding: 2px; /* Adjust the padding as needed */

For your other fields, you usually have to adjust the fields around it to get it smaller or use a css width on each on.  .itm {width: 8%};  .Br {width: 8%};...etc

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