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Load list-type field with details of licensed users

posted on January 30 Show version history

We need to display only the users who have a license within the platform in a list-type field. We want it to be dynamic so that if a new user is created, the list field updates automatically, and similarly, if a user is deleted or deactivated.
In On-Premises installations, we could read this from the database, but since this is a Cloud client, we're not sure how we could achieve this. Any ideas?

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replied on February 4

The product team is aware of this use-case and there have been some early discussions regarding a solution.  I don't have a timeline I can provide yet, but it will likely be on our near term roadmap soon.

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replied on February 3

Hi David,

I had this question back in November. I found this and it seems like it's been something requested before but no response from Laserfiche on whether it's on the roadmap or not.

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replied on February 4

Thank you, Jasciel,

If Laserfiche hasn't provided an update, were you able to resolve it on your end with an alternative solution? We have been analyzing it, but since it is Cloud-based, the options to read the data, even from the database, are limited.

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replied on February 4

I was not able to get it to work with a dropdown list. It would be amazing to be able to use the selected user as the variable to assign the next User Task to.

Potential workaround: If you use usernames, you could create a field value like Employee Username inside the form

Then inside the User Task, Assign to select the variable. 

This works for me, might not work for what you need.

replied on February 4


Nope, I am hoping it becomes a feature soon. Since you're a VAR, you probably can contact Laserfiche and see if there is any future plans on it. There's no way to see feature requests and a timeline for them for us users. It may be different for you as a VAR.

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