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Laserfiche Volumes

asked on January 23


I have a client who has been out of support for the longest and wants to get back to support and firstly he would want to upgrade their current outdated laserfiche. They are currently on Laserfiche 9.1 that runs on Oracle and so the work would include an upgrade and migration to an SQL DB. However before beginning we wanted to do a system check on the current implementation. One of the major issues we found was that there are some documents that are displayed on the Laserfiche client but they cannot be opened. They post the error "The requested portion of the document does not exist. [9003]". I checked the volume of the said documents, it was a recently created volume which was done manually and the documents are correctly in the volume path when checking the Windows explorer. They have tried to change the path by copying the documents to another folder and chaging the path in Admin Console but the error remains.

When I checked the vol table in the database, I noticed that the said volume is not listed in that table. So I thought of trying to create a new volume in Laserfiche which would probably be registered into the DB and transfer the documents to that volume. But when trying to create the volume, I get the below error

Error Message: Invalid volume path. [9044]

------------ Technical Details ------------

    Call Stack: (Exception)
    Additional Details:
        HRESULT: 0xc0042354 (CLFVolume::Create, LFVolume.cpp:201)
LFAdmin.dll (
    Call Stack: (Current)
    Additional Details:
        Exception: 0xc0042354 [9044] (Invalid volume path.) (CCreateVolumeDialog::OnOK at CreateVolumeDialog.cpp:546)
    Call History:

I checked whether this had been posted before and got the fact that it may be a permissions issue but the service account has full control of the location where the files are. My questions

1) Anyone with any idea how I will resolve this before we begin the upgrade exercise?

2) Even you advise I would wish to know what would cause a volume not be listed in the DB?

3) In researching the site for solutions I came across a discussion regarding the Volume Consistency Checker,but I could not find it anywhere in the support site. Anyone with a link for it?



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replied on January 23

For #3 I would contact Laserfiche Support to see if you can get a copy. I think it might have been renamed to the Repository Consistency Checker.

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replied on January 24

I think it might have been renamed to the Repository Consistency Checker.

The most up-to-date version of which is found in the "Test" mode of the Laserfiche Repository Export Client (REC) tool we use for Cloud migrations. REC "Test" mode just gives you the repository consistency check report output and doesn't move anything, so you can use it on self-hosted systems for this. REC is available from Laserfiche Support on request. It does not however, support Oracle database backends. The older RCC tool might. I think you need to get that through Support too.

These should get you started on the database migration itself:

End-of-life Announcement for Laserfiche Oracle Support - Laserfiche Answers

Laserfiche Repository Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server Migration Utility - Downloads

Here are the publicly documented instructions for Workflow, which does not require a migration utility: Migrating from Workflow with Oracle to Workflow 11

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