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LF SDK - Logging In To Cloud: Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess.CloudSessionException: 'Failed to retrieve SAML token...' Error

asked on January 16

I followed the SDK documentation above ("Connecting to Laserfiche Cloud") exactly how it is written but keep getting an error:

Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess.CloudSessionException: 'Failed to retrieve SAML token from the provided session key.'

On this line:

CloudTicket cloudTicket = CloudTicket.GetTicket(cloudTicketSettings);

I am brand new to creating a .NET app and C# so it may be something simple I am missing. I double-checked the account id, username, etc. and it is all correct. I also have the Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess project reference.

My entire Main() function consists of the code above and nothing else. Is there some set up from the documentation that is missing for this to work?

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replied on January 17

You may need to make use of CustomEndpoint if you are connecting to anything other than US Cloud (ie. Canadian Cloud).  The code below is from another answers post with a similar issue.


CloudTicketRequestSettings cloudTicketSettings = new CloudTicketRequestSettings();
cloudTicketSettings.AccountId = "[your account #]";
cloudTicketSettings.UserName = "[your cloud login]";
cloudTicketSettings.Password = "[your cloud password]";

cloudTicketSettings.CustomEndpoint = new Uri("");

CloudTicket cloudTicket = CloudTicket.GetTicket(cloudTicketSettings);
string repositoryHost = "r-000[your cloud repo id]" + "";
Session cloudSession = Session.Create(repositoryHost, cloudTicket);


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replied on January 18

Thank you, I was able to connect now.

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