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Changing the Browser Tab Name in Modern Designer

asked on January 15

This question was asked already in 2023: Change browser tab name in new forms designer

But since it has been over a year since that was posted, I wanted to check if there have been any updates made to allow this in the Modern Designer?

What I want to do is change the tab name that currently says "Preview" to the form title. I am able to this in the Classic Designer but not sure how to select that tab and change it using the Modern JS. Any ideas?


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replied on January 15

It's high on our priority list, #538298!

The first feature will likely be a toggle in the form's settings to use the form title as the browser title. The next iteration of it would be to allow programmatic customization of the browser title.

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replied on January 15 Show version history

Being able to use the Task/Step name in addition to the form name would be nice too.  Most of my forms are named things like "01 - Submission" and "02 - Review", while the Task/Step have more user-friendly names.

The Modern Designer does make it easier to make single form solutions, so there is less need for a half-dozen forms in a process, but the flexibility to use the Task/Step name would still be a nice option.

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replied on January 15

That makes sense, we might need two configurations for option 1, or we defer your need for the second iteration as the LFForm object also provides the process step/stage name.


For what its worth I was referring to the title on the form itself not what the form is named

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replied on January 15

Oh, title on the form should be great.

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replied on January 15

I agree with Matthew. Although programmatic options would also be great, the main reason I used JavaScript for changing the tab names is because we couldn't do it through the UI so versatile setting would eliminate the need for the JS solution in most, if not all, of my forms.

Flexible control over the tab name from the Task/Activity settings, like the ability to enter something totally custom, variables, form/step/task name, etc. would be the most useful since, at least in my case, the JS method was already more of a workaround (e.g., the delay before the JS loads and changes the tab isn't ideal).

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replied on January 21

Agreed!  As we often have forms that have links to other forms, it is good to have the tab of the different forms not all say "New Submission" and instead say whatever we want. While initially having the option to automatically put the Form Name in the tab is a great immediate option, it would be nice to have it be a value in the "Form" configuration area (same place we set the Max Width of the Form) where we could define a custom value and even leverage variables.

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