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Change browser tab name in new forms designer

asked on September 20, 2023

So I have a process in Forms that has many forms that may be open at the same time.  It would be nice in Forms 11 (New Forms Designer) to be able to name the tabs like we used to be able to in 10.  This is one reason I am not using forms 11 much.



All but the "New Submission" were created in Forms 10.4, but since I created the one labeled "New Submission" with Forms 11 - New Forms Designer, I cannot change the name of the tab.  Can anyone help me or is this a feature enhancement request?


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replied on October 11, 2023 Show version history

I agree - this is one that a lot of us want too.  It's has been mentioned during monthly Champion calls, and has been requested in LFAnswers at least a few times prior (example: here and here).

You can still do it with Forms created in the Classic Designer, just not the Modern Designer.  This is because the solution in the Classic Designer is to use Javascript to modify the page title.  But in the Modern Designer, the Javascript runs within a sandboxed iFrame and cannot directly modify elements like that.

They will need to enhance the designer to allow this functionality - either a built-in option to edit the page title, or allowing the LFForm Javascript object to edit that component.

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replied on October 12, 2023

+1 vote for this from me as well, I have so many forms and the navigating them in tabs gets very confusing.

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replied on October 12, 2023

Me too.  This is much needed in the new designer.

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replied on October 12, 2023

It would be nice if, like Matthew led into, there was a built-in option within the Forms Process Options where you could set the New Submission Window Title. Being able to use system variables would be a nice touch.

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