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How to create a dynamic list without API or DB lookup

asked on January 10

Hi everyone,

I'm coding with the modem for for the first time. The customer has a basic forms license and would like to have a tiered drop-down ie: Drop-down A shows a list of categories, and drop-down B shows al list of items for the selected category. My plan was to hard-code the list and adapt this code but I need some help. 

I found a sample solution on this page but am unable to adapt it.



1. populate a an array (this sample is for three-levels but I only need two):

let data = [{"id":1,"name":"Infimos","parentid":0, "urgency": "low"},
{"id":2,"name":"Computer servicing","parentid":0, "urgency": "medium"},
{"id":3,"name":"Software installation","parentid":0, "urgency": "urgent"},
{"id":4,"name":"Fix errors","parentid":1, "urgency": "low"},
{"id":5,"name":"New feature","parentid":1, "urgency": "medium"}]

2. Then append the values to a drop down and using an onchange trigger, populate the second level as required.


Can this complexity even be achieved in the modern designer, or is classic required?

0 0


replied on January 10 Show version history

I have this code working on Modern Designer Version 11.0.2311.50556.

//Create data map for field options.
let data = [
  {value:"HR",label:"Human Resources",parent:""},
  {value:"East",label:"East Office",parent:"Purchasing"},
  {value:"North",label:"North Office",parent:"Sales"},
  {value:"East",label:"East Office",parent:"Sales"},
  {value:"South",label:"South Office",parent:"Sales"},
  {value:"West",label:"West Office",parent:"Sales"}

//When the form is loaded, and when either Field1 or Field2 
//changes - call the function to update their values.
LFForm.onFieldChange( function() { UpdateDropdowns(); }, {fieldId: 1});
LFForm.onFieldChange( function() { UpdateDropdowns(); }, {fieldId: 2});
function UpdateDropdowns() {
  let field1Choice = LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 1});
  let field2Choice = LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 2});
  const filterField1 = data.filter((value) => value.parent == "");
  const filterField2 = data.filter((value) => value.parent == field1Choice && value.parent != "");
  LFForm.changeFieldOptions( {fieldId: 1}, filterField1, "replace");
  LFForm.changeFieldOptions( {fieldId: 2}, filterField2, "replace");


The options in the first field are only the three that have a blank parent value:


The options in the second field are dependant upon what is selected for the first field:


7 0
replied on January 15

Thanks that works perfectly in my test kit. The customer has an older version of 11.

1 0
replied on January 15

Yeah, I beleive the changeFieldOptions functionality wasn't added until Forms 11 Update 5 (version 11.0.2311) so anything prior to that would not work.

2 0


replied on January 10

Pretty sure this is now possible with modern forms designer and the LFFORM object (at least in Self-Hosted Forms Version 11 Update 5). 

I would take a look at the documentation on changeFieldOptions and see if that helps.  Note: I don't believe Cloud has the changeFieldOption at this time. 

Here are a couple [1, 2] of answers posts that appear to have similar requests to yours with some viable solutions.

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replied on January 10

I tried using 

  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10 }, ["Choice 4", "Choice 4", "Choice 4"], "add" );

on a drop-down but it didn't work. SO I guess there must be another way. I'd lkove some actuial code if you have any.


0 0
replied on January 10 Show version history

Unfortunately I don't have any tested working code to provide other than what would mirror the code in the links previously provided.  I would double check what version of Forms you are running since I think this was only added recently in Forms 11 Update 5, prior versions may not support the changeFieldOptions verbage

0 0
replied on January 10
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