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Set Text Field Value Based on Radio Button Value

asked on October 11


Looking for some JavaScript assistance.  I have a radio button with three choices.  I have a separate text field that I want to populate with a 3 digit doc ID code depending on which radio button option is selected. 

Appreciate any help!

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replied on October 13

Hey Thomas, I don't think JS is necessary here. You can assign a value to a radio button, then use a regular expression to pull the value into a single line field.


Here's the RB field (variable as 'Radio_Button):


In the single line field, you just use the expression '=Radio_Button'

Selecting a radio button option will produce whatever is in the 'value assigned' of the radio button selected

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replied on October 14

Hi Thomas,

I agree with Andrew that you just need a simple formula to get value from the radio button, Andrew shared a sample with the new form, I've also tested on classic form, it is working too.

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