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While we search within repository we got error : Error executing SQL command. General database error. [9008]

asked on July 30

Hello Team,

We have very large repository and when we tried to search anything we got error like below. ( Error.png)

Error executing SQL command.
General database error. [9008]

You can check the error log and everything in attachment.


Log from eventviewer attached.

Timed out when executing an SQL query. Session ID=519077; Dialog ID=8925961; Repository="HFRD"; Function=SysEntryOpenListingStreamEx; Message="[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Query timeout expired"; Statement="select id,link,type,flags,sdctl,rfid,parentid,toc_uuid,toc_owner,isFrozen,recordState,hasacl,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c17,c18,c19,c20,c21,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,c27,c28,c29 from (select toc.tocid as id,toc.linkto as link,toc.etype as type,toc.toc_flags as flags,toc.toc_sdctl as sdctl,toc.rfid as rfid,toc.parentid as parentid, toc.toc_uuid as toc_uuid, toc.toc_owner toc_owner,case when toc.tocid in (select tocid from frozen) then 1 else 0 end as isFrozen,case when toc.rfid is null then 0 when toc.isDispositioned = 1 then 4 when toc.iscutoff = 1 then 3 when toc.isclosed = 1 then 2 else 1 end as recordState,case when toc.toc_flags & 32 = 32 then 1 else 0 end as hasacl,case when linktoc.etype>=0 then 1 else 0 end as isfolder,toc.tocid as c0, as c1,linktoc.edoc_ext as c2,toc.parentid as c3,toc.etype as c4,case when linktoc.edoc_storeid is null then null else case when linktoc.edoc_size is null then 0 else linktoc.edoc_size end end as c5,linktoc.etype as c6,toc.etag as c7,linktoc.pset_id as c8,toc.linkto as c9,case when linktoc.etype = 0 and linktoc.rfid = linktoc.tocid then 320 when linktoc.etype = 0 and (linktoc.toc_flags & 1) = 1 then 257 when linktoc.etype = 0 then 256 when linktoc.etype = 1 then 384 when ((linktoc.edoc_mime IS NOT NULL AND linktoc.edoc_mime <> '') or (linktoc.edoc_ext IS NOT NULL AND linktoc.edoc_ext <> '')) and (linktoc.toc_flags & 1) = 1 then 17 when (linktoc.edoc_mime IS NOT NULL AND linktoc.edoc_mime <> '') or (linktoc.edoc_ext IS NOT NULL AND linktoc.edoc_ext <> '') then 16 when (linktoc.toc_flags & 1) = 1 then 1 else 0 end as c10,toc.created as c11,toc.modified as c12,case linktoc.etype when -2 then linktoc.pagecount else null end as c13,linktoc.vol_id as c14,linktoc.pset_id as c15, as c16,0 as c17,1 as c18,toc.toc_uuid as c19,plock.owner as c20,cast(null as varbinary(85)) as c21,0 as c22,case when linktoc.final_date is not null or linktoc.isdispositioned = 0 then linktoc.final_date else rf_toc.final_date end as c23,(case when linktoc.edoc_storeid is null then 0 else (case when linktoc.edoc_size is null then 0 else linktoc.edoc_size end) end) + (select isnull(sizetemp1.sum1, 0) + isnull(sizetemp2.sum2, 0) + isnull(sizetemp3.sum3, 0) from (select sum(cast(img_size as bigint)) + sum(cast(txt_size as bigint)) + sum(cast(loc_size as bigint)) as sum1 from doc where pagenum >= 0 and linktoc.tocid = doc.tocid) sizetemp1, (select sum(cast(altedoc_size as bigint)) as sum2 from altedoc where altedoc.tocid = linktoc.tocid) sizetemp2, (select isnull(sum(cast(datalength(ann.ann_text) as bigint)), 0) + isnull(sum(cast(ann.attach_size as bigint)),0) + isnull(sum(cast(datalength(ann.bitmap) as bigint)), 0) as sum3 from ann where ann.page_id in (select page_id from doc where doc.tocid = linktoc.tocid and doc.pagenum >= 0)) sizetemp3) as c24,case when (linktoc.toc_flags & 512) = 512 then 1 else 0 end as c25,case when ((linktoc.toc_flags & 512) = 512 and (linktoc.toc_flags & 1024) = 0) then 1 else 0 end as c26,case when (linktoc.toc_flags & 512 = 512 and linktoc.toc_flags & 1024 = 0) then (select top 1 ad.who from active_doc ad where ad.tocid = linktoc.tocid) else cast(null as varbinary(85)) end as c27,linktoc.isdispositioned as c28,linktoc.pset_id as c29, l.row_num from searchresult13 sr inner loop join toc on toc.tocid = sr.tocid and sr.rsid = :rsetid<int> right outer join #tmplisting l on toc.tocid=l.tocid left outer join toc linktoc with (nolock) on case when toc.etype = -1 then toc.linkto else toc.tocid end = linktoc.tocid left outer join toc rf_toc with (nolock) on linktoc.rfid = rf_toc.tocid left outer join (select plock.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tocid ORDER BY owner) AS rn from plock with (nolock) ) plock on linktoc.tocid=plock.tocid and plock.rn = 1 where ((toc.etype is null or ((toc.etype=-2 or toc.etype>=0) or (toc.etype = -1 and (linktoc.etype=-2 or linktoc.etype>=0)))))) as q1 where q1.row_num>=:begin<int> and q1.row_num<=:end<int> order by q1.row_num"; Timeout=15(sec).

Kindly do needful what to do for the same.


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replied on July 31 Show version history

This is the same issue as earlier comments on this post: where you may need to upgrade from ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server to version 17.  The version is listed earlier in the text of your error message.

Some of the more recent comments on that post (mine included) mention still having the issue after upgrading, and not having a solution.  But some of the users who upgraded from 11 to 17 may have it resolved, so I hope that resolves it for you.

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