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Catching decimals and Ignoring Carriage Returns

asked on July 19

I have two issues on the same document.


The first is that I have a description that lasts for multiple lines, and I'm not sure how to get it to ignore a certain number of carriage returns such that the entire description is captured as one value. It would make it one description value of "Never Have I Ever Board Game" instead of two description values of "Never Have I Ever" and "Board Game". 

The second issue is the Decimal places in the Cartons Shipped. It's not catching them so it thinks there's 125 cartons shipped instead of 0.125 cartons shipped because the decimal's so small. I could try to have it do math to divide the Qty Ordered/Shipped by the Carton Pack, but I'm not sure how to make Laserfiche do that.



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replied on July 23

For your first issue...
While it may not seem so at first, this is actually a challenging problem.  Unfortunately, AWS Textract (our OCR engine) ignores the extra whitespace between rows AND your rows vary in height (1-3 lines or more), so just counting line breaks isn't going to be enough.

I experimented a little and found that with Quick Fields, which uses OmniPage OCR, the whitespace is preserved better (though it still doesn't preserve extra line breaks) and you may be able to use that extra whitespace to finagle it to work.  For this case.

For example:

Correctly breaks the rows apart, keeping all parts of the description.  Using a second regular expression (or possibly making this one more complex, though I don't recommend it) could allow you to strip the numbers and decimal point that exist between the lines of description (e.g., something like \s([^\d]*\s+)\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\.?\d+([^\d]+), but this isn't perfect...)


For your second issue... there are two approaches, as you mentioned.

Fixing the OCR quality

When you import the PDF and generate its pages, make sure that a high enough resolution is being used (note that this is different than how its generated in the Capture Profile Designer--don't use that as your basis as there's a bug that causes it to generate too low of a resolution for some PDFs).  I experimented with this and found that both AWS Textract and OmniPage could successfully capture the decimal points on the sample you provided.

Calculating the column value

This is pretty trivial to do with a Token Calculator activity, assuming you have each value (the dividend and divisor) as tokens.  Getting those values, again, may be harder and require doing something like we discussed in this post with complex regular expressions.


At the end of the day, though, what you're trying to do (in this post and others) is called "line item extraction" and it's just not something we currently natively support (it's also incredibly difficult to make a generalized solution for--third party solutions currently exist but the quality of their results has been pretty low...).

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replied on July 23

Thanks for this information.

I'm working for a warehouse and trying to turn these PDFs into fields I can use to create EDI and API calls to import them as transactions to the WMS. It's been a struggle, but I can get this in for most of them. It's just for some of the docs (like these) that I get stuck.

Thanks again for the help!

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