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Laserfiche Directory Server (LFDS) SAML Authentication with Microsoft Entra ID

asked on May 1

Hi Guys,


We are in process of migrating a existing client from On-Premise to Azure Private Cloud. Can some one help us with step-by-step guide to configure LFDS with Microsoft EntraID.  I did followed LF Article on LFDS 10.3 SAML Authentication, but it's not illustrative in terms of parameters and also pretty old as screenshots are no more relevant.


If one of you has a step guide that would be great help.




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replied on May 1 Show version history

Microsoft unfortunately frequently changes the Entra UI all time so screenshots get "old" quickly. An update that puts everything together start to finish on our side is desperately needed though.

Alright, let's do this. 

Configuring SAML Authentication with Microsoft Entra ID and LFDS 11 Update 5+ (May 2024)

The configuration described here should cover 90%+ of Laserfiche/Entra ID SAML SSO setups. The steps described here are not necessarily the only way to do things.

However, unless you have a good reason to do something differently and can clearly explain (1) why, (2) how it works, and (3) ideally how to implement it (in which case you likely don't need this guide in the first place), you probably shouldn't deviate.

If any of the images have text too small to read, try zooming in the browser window.

  1. If you're not running Laserfiche Directory Server (LFDS) 11 Update 5 or higher, upgrade first if at all possible. This guide has some instructions specific to Update 5 and higher. LFDS 11 Update 6 released April 1, 2024. See Software versions and fixes included in the Laserfiche 11 Download Package for release information.
  2. In LFDS, Configure your STS Site(s) like so:
  3. In Entra, create an Enterprise Application registration, selecting the "Custom" (non-gallery) option. Call it "Laserfiche Production" or similar according to your naming conventions.
    1. In the Enterprise App, go to the "Single sign-on" tab under "Manage" and select "SAML"
    2. Edit the first section, "Basic SAML Configuration" and put in the placeholder values of "" for the two required fields, "Identifier (Entity ID)" and "Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)", then Save.
    3. Edit the 2nd section "Attributes & Claims". 
      1. Select "Add new claim", enter the following values, and Save
        1. Name: displayname
        2. Source attribute: user.displayname (pick from dropdown)
      2. Select "Add a group claim", enter the following values, and Save
      3. Select "Security groups" to return, with Source Attribute "On Premises Group Security Identifier" if you have a Linked Provider scenario with Entra SAML logins for AD Windows users, and "sAMAccountName" if you don't.

        Important: Active Directory (AD) groups must be included in the SAML token claims or their membership will be ignored by LFDS. Ensure that all relevant AD groups are synchronized to Entra.

        "User can't see/do something a group they're in has permissions for" issues are almost always due to that group not making it into the user's SAML auth token claims for whatever reason, so LFDS/Laserfiche doesn't see them as a member. An easy way to test this for repository permission issues is to have the user authenticate with normal Windows authentication (through the Laserfiche Windows Client if the option isn't available for LFDSSTS/Web Client) and try the action. Windows Authentication will include the full group list from AD DS and can help identify differences in behavior vs Entra SAML logins and any associated group claim/sync issues.

        Note: Per Microsoft "The number of groups emitted in a token is limited to 150 for SAML assertions". If you have any users with over 150 Entra-sync'd AD groups, Microsoft provides options to restrict which groups are included in the SAML token. You can do this by either (a) assigning specific groups to the Enterprise Application and only sending those, or applying a filter based on group name (e.g., only send groups prefixed with "lf-"). See Microsoft's documentation page for information on those options:Configure group claims for applications by using Microsoft Entra ID
    4. Afterward, the "Attributes & Claims" section should look like this:
    5. Note all the "Claim name" values under "Additional claims".
      NOT the values under "Value" like "user.mail", which describe the Source Attribute, not the name of the claim that goes into the SAML token. This is the most common place people get claim mapping screwed up, because they put "user.mail", "user.groups" etc. into the LFDS claim mapping and because that's not what's actually in the SAML token, LFDS doesn't find the attribute/claims name values it's trying to map.
    6. You will need to enter these exactly in the LFDS SAML IDP Claims mapping section. The Entra ID default claim name values with the group claim and the "displayname" one we added are listed below by how they appear in LFDS IDP Claim Mapping. 
      1. Email:
      2. First Name:
      3. Last Name:
      4. Display Name: displayname
      5. Groups: (note the "/2008/06/" is different than the "/2005/05/" in the other claim names)
    7. Switch to LFDS. We'll come back to Entra in a moment.
    8. In LFDS, add a new SAML identity provider, with "Enable SAML authentication" set to "No" for now, and Save.
    9. Recommended: Set a Default Landing Page for "IDP-initiated" SAML SSO to work. This is the Laserfiche web application URL that should be the default destination if a user starts from Entra via its app picker. For example, 
    10. Recommended: Set a Custom SAML Entity ID so your SAML SSO integration doesn't break if you Move Laserfiche Directory Server to a New Server (which would result in the default Entity ID changing). Using the hostname of your primary STS Site with /lfds appended is a good choice, ex.
      Note: If you are Configuring Windows Failover Clustering for Directory Server, this step is required.
    11. Select the Entra ID SAML identity provider, and select "Generate Service Provider Metadata"
    12. You'll be presented with a date picker. Select any date at least five years in the future, then select OK.
    13. This will download a file named "service_provider_LFDS.xml", which contains the SAML Service Provider (SP) Metadata. The contents of the file will look something like this:
      <md:EntityDescriptor validUntil="2030-12-01T23:59:59.0000000Z" entityID="" xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
      	<md:SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="false" WantAssertionsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
      			<idpdisc:DiscoveryResponse Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:profiles:SSO:idp-discovery-protocol" Location="" index="1" xmlns:idpdisc="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:profiles:SSO:idp-discovery-protocol"/>
      		<md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location=""/>
      		<md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location=""/>
      		<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="1"/>
    14. Return to the Enterprise Application registration in Entra, go back to "Single sign-on", select "Upload metadata file", and provide the LFDS SP metadata file, and select Add.
    15. You'll be taken back to the "Basic SAML Configuration" screen, where the values from the SP metadata file will be auto-filled. Verify the updated values, then Save.
    16. In the 3rd section "SAML Certificates" there are three download links. Download "Certificate (Base64)" and "Federation Metadata XML" and copy them locally to the LFDS server.
      Recommended: Name the Entra Federation (IDP) Metadata XML something like "Entra_SAML_IDP_Metadata_Laserfiche_Production_20240501.xml" as by default it uses the vague "$EnterpriseAppName.xml".
      And the certificate something like "Entra_SAML_IDP_Signing_Cert_Laserfiche_Production_20240501.cer"
    17. At this point we're done with Entra. Switch back to the LFDS server.
    18. First, find the Entra IDP Signing Certificate .cer file, select it, right-click / open options, and select "Install Certificate" to launch the Windows Certificate Import Wizard.
    19. Important: In the Certificate Import Wizard, set the "Store location" to "Local Machine", then select Next.
    20. Important: On the "Certificate Store" screen, select "Place all certificates in the following store", then Browse, select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" from the list that pops up, and select Next.
    21. On the "Completing the Certificate Import Wizard" screen, verify the information and select "Finish" to complete the import.
    22. Next, return to the LFDS Web Admin interface (https://localhost/LFDS)
    23. Go to Settings -> Identity Providers -> Entra ID (whatever you named it)
    24. Toggle "Enable SAML authentication" to "Yes"
    25. Next to "SAML Provider Settings" there's a file upload option next to an "Import Metadata" button. Select the Entra IDP Metadata XML file, then select Import Metadata.
    26. The Issuer, Endpoint, and Endpoint binding type should populate with values from the IDP metadata.

      The Certificates area should say "Configured Signing Certificate", indicating the IDP metadata included IDP signing certificate data.
      This the second required step for IDP signing certificate configuration. You must also import and trust the certificate on the local machine. If the signing certificate is not trusted by the LFDS machine, SAML authentication will fail.
    27. Scroll down and Save, then return to the Certificates section.
    28. An entry for "Certificate #1" (if it's the first one you've added) with a Subject like "CN=Microsoft Azure Federated SSO Certificate".

      Important: Microsoft currently uses a 3-year expiration for Entra SAML signing certificates. If the certificate expires without a new one being uploaded and trusted, the SAML SSO integration will stop working as LFDS stops trusting the digital signature on the SAML tokens. Document/set notifications about the need to update the Entra SAML signing certificate on both sides at least a month prior to expiration.
    29. Update the "Authentication context" value to "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecified".

      This addresses Entra Error - AADSTS75011 Authentication method by which the user authenticated with the service doesn't match requested authentication method AuthnContextClassRef. The error can occur in a variety of scenarios where multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled in Entra and a user logs into a different application with Entra SSO before Laserfiche.
    30. Optionally set "Always require re-authentication" to "Yes". See the Directory Server Configuring Single Sign-on (SSO) with SAML Authentication for more information and an important note on this option.
    31. Optionally Enable SAML single logout (SLO). We recommend enabling SLO so unless you have a compelling reason not to.
      Once Enabled, the "SAML provider logout endpoint" and "Logout endpoint binding type" values should be automatically populated with values from the Entra IDP Metadata.
    32. Configuring Request Signing is not necessary for a working SAML SSO integration and outside the scope of this guide. Please see the documentation for details.
    33. In the "Service Provider Organization" section, you can optionally customize how the Entra identity provider button appears on the LFDSSTS login page. If you do not provide custom "Sign-In Button Text", the default is the name of the Identity Provider in LFDS ("Entra ID" in this examples so far).
      You may want to make the Sign-In Button Color something closer to "Microsoft Blue" to aid user recognition.
    34. Save.
    35. Navigate to the Claims tab of the identity provider
    36. In the Claim Mappings section, enter the Claim Name values from Entra's "Attributes & Claims" section. If you are configuring Entra ID as a Linked Identity Provider for Active Directory, set the Groups claim format to "AD SID", otherwise leave it at "Unspecified (Default)". Save.
    37. If configuring as a Linked Identity Provider, navigate to the Linked Identity Providers tab and select "Add Linked Identity Provider".
    38. Select an AD identity provider (domain) from the Identity Provider dropdown list.
    39. The Identifying Attribute must be the Claim Name of the Entra Additional Claim containing the User Principal Name (UPN) (Source Attribute "user.userprincipalname"). By default, the Claim Name is ""
    40. Select "UPN" as the Attribute Format"
    41. Optional: The Linked Identity Providers feature allows linking multiple Active Directory (or LDAP) identity providers to the same SAML identity provider. If you have multiple AD identity providers (domains) registered in Directory Server and synchronized to the same Entra tenant, you can add the other AD IDPs by selecting the "+" button on the right. This will add another row, where you select the next AD IDP and provide the same Identifying Attribute and Attribute Format as before. 
    42. Save.
    43. If you Enabled SAML single logout (and are on LFDS 11 Update 5 or above): 
      On the computer hosting the Directory Server Security Token Service (STS), open the STS configuration site, by default, the address is: https://localhost/LFDSSTS/configuration
      1. Add the domain of the Entra SAML SLO endpoint for your identity provider to the list of Allowed iframe hosts.
      2. For example, for a Microsoft Entra ID sample endpoint of{guid}/saml2, add to the "Allowed iframe hosts" list. Don't assume this example is correct - check your actual Entra SLO URL.
    44. Test SAML SSO by:
      1. Open an Incognito / InPrivate browser window and opening DevTools -> Network tab (make sure "Preserve log" is checked)
      2. Navigate to an Laserfiche web application with LFDSSTS SSO enabled, e.g., 
      3. You should be redirected to your LFDSSTS auth page and see the new "Entra ID" option (or whatever custom text you set)
      4. Select "Entra ID"
      5. Be redirected to Entra for authentication
      6. Authenticate to Entra
      7. Be redirected back to the LFDSSTS SAML ACS URL endpoint, e.g., (the SAML Response is in this call if you need it for troubleshooting), then automatically redirected and authenticated to the originally requested Laserfiche web application ( 
      8. Open a new tab in the same browser window and navigate to (using your own LFDSSTS URL). This shows the contents of the LFDS auth token's claims, generated on the basis of the SAML Response and the claims LFDS mapped from it.
      9. If a Linked Identity Provider is configured:
        1. Look for a "" claim value of "urn:laserfiche:names:tc:SAML:2.0:user-type:ActiveDirectory".
          If it ends with "SAML", the Identifying Attribute configuration isn't correct. 
        2. Look for AD Groups you expect to have been sent in the SAML groups claim. They'll appear under the Claim Type "" with values like "S-1-5-21-123456789-987654321-123456789-123;DOMAIN\Domain Users;4"
      10. Use onelogin's wonderful free SAML Developer Tools website to help with troubleshooting if needed.


There you go. Easy.

I realize that's a lot of steps but it's not as bad as it looks. Full Entra SAML SSO configuration usually takes me about 30 minutes start to finish these days.

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replied on May 2

Sam, thanks for the step by step. Do you recommend setting the Custom SAML Entity ID on the LFDS Settings\General page? I didn't see it in your instructions, so I just wanted to verify.

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replied on May 2

Yep, in Step 11. "Recommended: Set a Custom SAML Entity ID..."

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replied on May 2

Ah, I missed it the first time I read through it. Should that value be a URL or just something like LFDS?

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replied on May 2

Entra and some (but not all) other SAML IDPs require the SP Entity ID to follow a URL format and begin with http(s)://

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replied on August 12


Thank you for your detailed and updated instructions. We are in the process of configuring our On-Premise Laserfiche LFDS SAML authentication with Microsoft Entra ID. We followed your guide precisely, and while our Web clients (both WebLink and WebAccess) are working successfully, we are encountering an issue with the Desktop client.

On the Desktop client, the "Entra ID" button does redirect me to Entra for authentication, and I am authenticated through Entra. However, after authentication, it loops back to the LFDSSTS authentication page without logging into the repository. I have retried several times, but the result is the same.

We checked the Windows Event Viewer but did not see any errors related to the timeline during my tests. Is there any log or tool we can use to troubleshoot this further?

Thank you for your assistance.

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replied on August 12

Hi Margaret, glad to hear you found the guide helpful!

Have you specifically checked the Laserfiche Server event logs? The behavior "loop[ing] back to the LFDSSTS authentication page without logging into the repository" suggests Laserfiche Server isn't accepting the LFDSSTS auth token and telling the client to try again (which it does, and then the token is rejected again). That loop usually happens when the server can't validate the LFDSSTS token with Laserfiche Directory Server on the backend for whatever reason.

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replied on October 14

Hi Sam,

We identified that the looping back issue is due to the default STS URL in the desktop client being set to https://LFDSserverFQDN/LFDSSTS, instead of the intended access URL, https://laserfiche.organizationdomainname/LFDSSTS.

The provided solution by our SP/Laserfiche support is to add a registry entry:

We are planning to push this registry update through group policy or SCCM, but we’re hoping there’s a better way to update the default STS URL for desktop SAML clients.

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replied on May 1

I know this doesn't help you right now, but I am working on a video for this. I'll reply here once I have it done.

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replied on May 3

Apparently we already have an up to date video on this:

Covers the "SAML Users" rather than "Linked Provider for AD Users" scenario though. 80% of the steps are the same.

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replied on May 6

Hi Samuel,


Appreciate to a detailed one. This has been great help. I am almost done but now stuck at following error.


1. Webpage Shows STS could not be found and Console shows CSP exception

Refused to frame 'https://***' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors".



2. While STS we have allowed the domain.


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replied on May 6

This worked later. One small mistake.


STS host name was mapped to .com instead of .local. Video shows .com but your notes above was showing .local. A saviour. Thanks Samuel once again.




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replied on August 26 Show version history

Hi Samuel


Thank you for this detailed write up.  It is very easy to follow.


I'm working with a customer and have a ticket open with LF Support.  The customer is using the linked identity provider and we have SAML logins working for all of their internal AD users when setup as you show here.

The customer has some third party contractors that they want to have access forms and previously these were setup as LFDS users.  In order to have them also use the SAML login we are testing using Entra guest users but when the guest logs in it produces an error.  I have tracked the error down to the group claims mapping and when set to use the sAMAccountName in Entra and LDAP Distinguished name setting on the LFDS claim mapping I can get the guest login to work however this breaks the Linked ID users.

Is there a way to accommodate both on-prem AD users and Entra guest users?

Thank you for any insight you can provide.


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replied on August 26

I think we may have things working.  

During troubleshooting we deleted a group that was being used for the guest users in EntraID.  This group was added to the Enterprise Application to provide access to login.  While testing to get a .har trace i noticed the guest user was no longer added to the Enterprise Application so I asked for the user to be added directly to the App instead of the group.  When I tested the login there was no error.

We will continue to test but it looks like the problem was due to the guest user being inside of an Azure group and using that Azure group to give access to the Enterprise Application.


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