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LFDSSTS-Login Page Modification

asked on February 7, 2024


We have a customer who would like to modify the LFDSSTS login page their users are redirected to when logging into the Web Client, to make the page look more like their standard municipality webpage.

Can the LFDSSTS login page be modified similarly like a customer's Weblink Page or Form(s)?

Appreciate the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

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replied on February 7, 2024 Show version history

The LFDSSTS Login page is modifiable in that you have access to the web file and can modify the HTML sections, which are not particularly complicated. There is currently no GUI designer as for WebLink and Forms.

That file's default location is: C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Directory Server\Web\WebSTS\Views\Home\Login.cshtml

You may also want to modify the similar "Embedded.cshtml" file in the same directory. This is the version of the LFDSSTS login page loaded in embedded windows with the Laserfiche Windows Client, Office Integration, etc.

Make sure to make a backup copy of the original Login.cshtml/Embedded.cshtml file before making any modifications. Note that installing LFDS(STS) updates will usually replace this file with a clean updated one, so you'll need to re-implement any modifications after LFDS upgrades.

Do not just add the whole modified file from the prior version back, as other parts of the file may have had important code changes with the update. 

Don't modify any of the C# function bits in the <script> section unless implementing the simple SAML IDP auto-selection customization described in this post: LFDSSTS auto login with AD FS

From a support perspective, we generally don't care if you modify the "look and feel" of the LFDSSTS login page and do it fairly often during implementations.

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replied on February 8, 2024

Thanks for the information Sam!


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