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What do you wish you knew before you upgraded to v11?

asked on November 16, 2023

I'm getting ready to upgrade to v11 from v10.4. This will be an on premise installation. For those of you that have already made that jump, tell me what you wish you knew before you did the upgrade.  Tips, gotchas, warnings, I would love to hear what to do or avoid.

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replied on November 16, 2023 Show version history

First thing that comes to mind for me is making sure you know if anyone uses Photodocs for any purpose. Photodocs' end of life is version 10.4, so it's not part of the version 11 client install. I've found that client version 10.2 has the most stable version of Photodocs, and have kept that on some servers and client machines.

If you use the Web Client internally without SSL, you won't be able to use Web Client 11 the same way - it requires SSL. Always good to get SSL set up anyway, but if you don't currently use it, make sure you have a plan to implement that with Web Client version 11. 

Lastly, I've only seen this within one customer environment, but I did an upgrade from 10.3 to 11 and started getting SSL errors with Windows client 10.3 when connecting to server 11. TLS/SSL between the server and client was not configured anyway, so was a pretty weird issue. Upgrading to client version 11 seemed to resolve it, so you may want to plan on needing to upgrade your Windows client instances fairly soon after upgrading your server.

That's all that I think I've run into.

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replied on November 17, 2023

We do not use Photodocs so I'll consider that a bullet dodged!  Thanks...

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replied on January 5

Hi Jamie,

We are looking at taking the plunge to 11 from 10.4 as well.  I wanted to see if you ran into any issues with your upgrade. Also, if you have any warnings or suggestions. 

Thanks so much!

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replied on January 8

Hi Parrish,

An upgrade is certainly a good time to organize all of those things you've been putting off...or maybe didn't think about.  Our licensing is Avanti, so some of this may not apply in your situation.  Our upgrade was on new servers.  We left the old in place and just changed their names.  We gave the old names to the new machines to make it easier to remember.  Our old machines are still up, but just as a reference...just in case.  

-I was not completely aware of which service account user ran which service.  Having a list of those ahead of time would have sped the install up a bit.

- I had to go reissue named user licenses to all of the named users.  Fortunately, our VAR that was helping (performing) the upgrade knew about this ahead of time so we made a list.  The slightly larger gotcha was that named devices did not carry over.  Those had to be recreated from scratch.  Fortunately, I accidentally had a screenshot that listed their mac addresses which sped that step up a lot.

- An issue that I ran into a few days after the update was that Import Agent would seem to intermittently stop working.  Many of our departments use it and we have about twenty different profiles.  We copied the config folder over to the new server and it recognized all of the profiles so I didn't have to create them again.  BUT...I had to manually enter in the credentials for each profile to get them to work.  It took me a bit to realize I needed to do that for each profile.

We are blessed with a great var, ImageNet.  Their engineers have a lot of experience and helped the upgrade go smoothly.  My best advice is to screenshot everything that you can.  You may need that tidbit of information later.


Good luck!


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replied on January 8

That is wonderful information, thank so much. 

We too use ImageNet, so that gives me a lot of confidence :)  I have worked a LOT with their team lately :)

Thanks again for the info. 

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