Today, October 10th, 2023, Laserfiche announces the end-of-life for Laserfiche certificate for TD Ameritrade VEO One. Today also marks the end of new sales of the product. TD Ameritrade offers their advisors a platform called VEO One. The Laserfiche certificate for VEO One provided a seamless single-sign-on experience between the two services. VEO One was a proprietary SSO solution; however, since its release standardization of SSO technology has made this solution obsolete. Now customers can use industry standard SSO technologies included with Laserfiche Cloud to make navigating between systems easier. As such, we are announcing the end-of-life for the SSO certificate. Customers will no longer be able to access the feature after November 8th 2023. Support for this feature will follow the milestones outlined in the table below.
On October 10th 2023, Laserfiche will end software maintenance of Laserfiche Integration with TD Ameritrade VEO One. No support services will be offered for Laserfiche Integration with TD Ameritrade VEO One after November 8, 2023, marking the end-of-life.
Product Migration Options
There are no Laserfiche customers actively using the VEO One certificate. Customers interested in using more advanced user management features may want to consider upgrading to our Business Tier package, which includes advanced user administration and license management features, such as Just-in-time user license provisioning.
For More Information
For more information about the Laserfiche End-of-Life Policy, go to:
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