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Feature request for EMail Archive Agent

asked on September 14, 2023 Show version history

We would like the ability to import an email into LF as a standard document rather than an EML file when using the EMail Import Agent. We are having to add a PDF attachment to the email that is simply a duplicate of the email text so that we can import the PDF as a LF document and discard the email. If we could just have an option to have the email imported as a standard document we would not have to do that. We do not use, nor want to deal with, EML files in LF.


This seems to be a request that is wanted by others, so please add my vote to the list of those looking for this functionality.


Thanks for the consideration.

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replied on September 14, 2023

@████████ for long term archival and ease of viewing, it is often preferred to have the email saved as an image instead of an email.  Also, not everyone uses the Web Client, but more and more customers are moving to web mail, so they do not have a default email app set up on their machine to view emails from the repository.

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replied on September 14, 2023 Show version history

Hi Mark,


The eml file can be previewed in web access, and its content can be searched. Do you have any other consideration for not wanting eml file?




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replied on September 15, 2023

We do not store anything other than LF documents (TIFF images) in LF. No Word docs, Excel docs, EML files, PDF files, etc. We do not need, or want to have, to store EML files and have the email open in an email client. All we need or want is a static image of the email, just like any other document.

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replied on June 10

Hi @████████ - we would also like this in Cloud as an option; some people need to mark-up emails such as redact info or highlight. This can't be done unless there is an image component.

Also - we would like to extract the text from the email and use it in various ways in a workflow (pattern match through it etc). This also cannot be done unless you generate an image of the Email... which we currently can't do.

Please add our vote for this feature.

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