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Version 11 Licensing Issues Caused Outage

asked on July 18, 2023

I just wanted to share a situation we had last week that seems to be lfds related. In case you have other customers that come across it. It was in more than one environment (Prod, Dev, etc..) which is why I think it is lfds related.


No workflows were running and Forms was throwing this error:


The first thing I tried was re-licensing the master license, but that did nothing. Also restarted Forms routing service and recycled appPools.


I found this post on Answers that led me to Workflow.


On the WF server I was getting these:


That pointed to the actual licenses for LFS and WF. I manually copied them over from the Directory server. I had to restart the WF service and LFS for it to correct itself. Then we were back in business. So from what I can tell the actual licx file on the machines expired OR those machines could not communicate with the Directory server. But could prior to and after again...which is super weird. 


Laserfiche Directory Server 11 (Build 11.0.2204.1467)

Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 11.0.2212.30987


Have you seen this anywhere else?


Hope this helps someone out there, but I am seeking if anyone else has had this happen? 


Thank you friends!

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replied on July 18, 2023

Hi Chris,

This is something you can follow up with your Solution Provider about. Your subscription system previously had an expiration date in July 2023. Note that not only is the expiration date present on the LFDS primary license, but it also exists and applies to some of the applications in the system including, but not limited to the Laserfiche Server and Forms. What this means is that even after renewing the LFDS primary license to get an updated license with a new expiration date, you would also need to update the individual application licenses.

Regarding updating the application licenses, see

You can configure the Laserfiche Server and Forms applications to subscribe to receive updates from LFDS and automatically replace their respective application license files. If you don't use this feature, then the licenses can still be manually replaced.


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replied on July 18, 2023

I ran into this issue when we renewed in January. 

I had to generate the licenses(twice for some reason) and then restarted the server. Unless you don't know where to go, it can be confusing. The admin guide doesn't tell you where the licenses are located.

I found the location of the licenses through this KB 
Once I had replaced the old licenses with the new ones generated for LDFS, and rebooted, all worked.

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replied on July 18, 2023

Thanks for letting me know. Sounds like we went through the same issue. Thanks!

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replied on October 3, 2023

Hi Chris,


I just encountered a similar issue, but in my case, the server had been rebooted hosting Laserfiche and the LFDS service hadn't started up, so LF server was getting the error "Unable to successfully verify the product license with the Laserfiche license or directory server.  Error: The license is now stale." I had to manually start up the service after getting the following error when launching LFSD website: "Unable to connect to the remote server." After restarting the services for LFDS and LF server, the issues look to be resolved as event viewer reported that the license was renewed this time.

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replied on October 3, 2023

Consider yourself lucky then :) Having to manually update licx files as fast as humanly possible is not fun. I hope to never have to do that again..super lame. First time ever to have to do that. 

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