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SQL Collation Support - Latin1_General_100_CS_AS?

asked on May 16, 2023

Hi All,


I still can't see a list of supported collations, similar to my previous post


Is Latin1_General_100_CS_AS a supported SQL collation?



Chris Douglas

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replied on May 16, 2023 Show version history

There isn't an official one, to my knowledge.

Unless you have a very specific reason for wanting to use an alternative SQL collation for specific perceived benefits, I would recommend sticking with the Microsoft SQL Server default of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, or the default for non-US English locales,     Latin1_General_CI_AS.

Note that both are CI (Case-insensitive) and AS (Accent-sensitive). 

Latin1_General_100_CS_AS is a "_100" and Case-sensitive version of the English (UK) default  Latin1_General_CI_AS. Nearly all default collations are *_CI_AS. You should NOT use a Latin *_CS_AS collation.

About the *_100 collations:

SQL Server 2008 has introduced new collations that are in full alignment with collations that Windows Server 2008 provides. These 80 new collations are denoted by *_100 version references. They provide users with the most up-to-date and linguistically accurate cultural sorting conventions. Support includes the following:

  • New East Asian government standards.

  • Linguistically correct surrogates.

  • Chinese minority scripts.

  • Unicode 5.0 case table.

  • Weighting has been added to previously non-weighted characters that would have compared equally.

The overwhelming majority of both our internal testing and real-world usage of Laserfiche software is on those default locale collations. Using an alternative one, even if "it works", is an invitation for sneaky edge case behavior.

Don't add complexity by deviating from known stable configurations unless you're getting something valuable in return. For example, I know that Laserfiche Support has in the past recommended specific customers use alternative collations for better support of certain languages and character sets like Turkish and Arabic. However, these are still "*_CI_AS".

If having the specific benefits of a *_100 collation is relevant to your use case, use Latin1_General_100_CI_AS.

Again, only if you need it. See: Discussion: latin1_general_100_ci_as vs latin1_general_ci_as

Changing collations for a database after it already has data is extremely fraught and painful, so you'll want to get it right to start.

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