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How to find and attach File uploads from failed Forms? Current Error (The path is not of a legal form)

asked on December 20, 2022

So I had a ton of POs fail at the very end when they were being saved to the repository. I used Reports to get their instance IDs, got those into a .csv in the repository. Used those and SQL to pull all the information from those Forms in Workflow, then had Workflow restart the failed forms process so that I can get the Forms PDF saved to the repository but the one thing I am having issues with is getting the File Upload file pulled and attached to the Forms PDF in the repository. 

I looked over this thread : but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Currently I have a Retrieve Business Process Variables set up to extract the info from the File Upload field (226:\32e2d680-6417-49cb-a3de-d6fd92f8264c\GrabInvoice\2648\46621.pdf) on the failed Form and then try using an Attach Electronic Document I get the error message of The path is not of a legal form. 

Does anyone know how I can either make this work or another way to pull File Uploads from terminated Forms?

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replied on December 20, 2022

That's because it's not a full path. You want to use a For Each File activity to get at the uploaded docs from Retrieve Business Process Variables

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replied on December 20, 2022

That still doesn't seem to work for me.

This gets the Supplemental Documents I need to attach.

Then it runs the Form to fill it out again with all that information and saves it to the Repository.

Since I can't find a better way for this part, I have it check for the Form to be dropped into the Repository and keep doing it until it finds it. If I don't do this it finishes the Forms process and triggers this before the document has shown up and results in a 0 Results Found.

Then I check for the same document a second time so that I can have the Attach Electronic Document attempt to attach to it since it won't let me pick the one from inside the Repeat. 

I've tried this with For Each File and Entry and neither seems to work.

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