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Scanning Utility - Documents Automatically Filing Without Hitting Save to Respository

asked on July 19, 2022



We are using Laserfiche desktop client 10.4. Staff use the scan utility to scan physical documents into Incoming Scans, fill out metadata, and when they are ready, save to repository. One employee's device is now storing documents automatically into Incoming Scans upon closure of the scan utility window. It does not show thumbnails or any document at all in the viewer, but might show the number of pages accrued in the lower right of the window. I don't think I've seen this before. Here is a screen grab from when we scanned documents (which filed into Incoming Scans), it looks like we haven't scanned yet. I think this is a scan setting but not sure what/where to look and how it did it automatically? 

Scan.png (54.1 KB)
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replied on July 19, 2022

Check to see if they have "Store Immediately" enabled; that bypasses the review process and just stores documents as soon as they're scanned.

From the Scanning interface, File > Options

Storing Documents (Standard) (

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replied on July 19, 2022

Thank you! That was the problem. The odd thing is that the user said they didn't change any settings, etc. so we're not sure why it started but appears to be working as normal now. 

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replied on July 19, 2022

If you check the link I sent, I believe there's also a toolbar button that can enable/disable that feature, so they may have clicked it by mistake.

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replied on July 19, 2022

The toolbars are not in their default positions in that screenshot, so Jason is likely on the right track. The user accidentally clicked the button and then removed it from the toolbar while customizing the UI.

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replied on July 19, 2022

Thank you both! I will have the user restore the default layout. It only happened to them so that makes a lot of sense. 

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