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Silent Uninstall of OCR

asked on June 21, 2022

Running the following command if you are at the en\ocr directory in the command prompt (without quotes) "lfocr_op192-x64_en.msi /uninstall /quiet" works, but does not remove the exe package.


Is there a way to silently uninstall everything, including OCR?

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replied on June 21, 2022

Hi Justin,

Could you please provide more context around what you're doing, including the overall objective and more specifically what "uninstall everything" refers to? Please also provide at least major.minor product version numbers. This information will allow us to better assist.

That said, if "everything" means "all Laserfiche Windows Client package components", give this a try:

"D:\path\to\LaserficheX\en\WindowsClient\SetupLF.exe” -silent REMOVE=ALL

Where "X" matches the major version of the Windows Client suite you're trying to uninstall. You'll likely need other folders under \en\ for this to succeed, like "\Support" and "\OCR".



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replied on June 24, 2022

For some reason OCR does not uninstall from the PC when using a similar process...

START "" "\\INSTALLER\Everyone\Laserfiche Rio\en\Client\Setup.exe" -silent REMOVE=ALL
PING -n 240>nul
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im Setup.exe
START "" "\\INSTALLER\Everyone\Laserfiche Rio 10.4.3\en\WindowsClient\SetupLf.exe" -silent REMOVE=ALL
PING -n 240>nul
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im SetupLf.exe

The Laserfiche Client uninstalls, but leaves behind the OCR program and the EXE in either of these locations here:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Laserfiche\OmniPageOCR 18.5\Setup.exe" /odll /remove

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Laserfiche\OmniPageOCR 18.5\Setup.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Laserfiche\OmniPageOCR 19.2\SetupLf.exe"

Silent uninstall does not seem to work on these EXE's.


Note: The use of the start, ping, and taskkill method is to handle situations where a PC has another version installed or the uninstall hangs. This method and the other method produce the same results with OCR remaining behind.

START "" "\\\install\Everyone\Laserfiche Rio 10.4.3\en\WindowsClient\SetupLf.exe" -silent REMOVE=ALL
PING -n 120>nul
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im SetupLf.exe

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replied on June 27, 2022

The OCR engine is shared between Laserfiche components. It won't uninstall if you have other Laserfiche programs on the machine that might need it.

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