I have several participant users that are unable to access their tasks because they are experiencing issues with access. Prompts along the lines of "you are not part of a group that has access to this form."
I have verified that they do have licenses on LDS and that Forms has been recently synced.
One thing I've noticed is that although users have a license on LDS and synced on forms, some of their License fields are set to "No" when it should be "Yes". (See attached images)
The only remedy so far has been to:
- remove a user completely from LDS
- sync Forms
- remove that user on forms
- add the user back on LDS
- finally sync again on Forms.
This will update the participants' license field on Forms to "Yes".
This happens with both Full (Named users on Forms?) and Educational licenses (participants on Forms?).
Is there something that I can do differently on my end to prevent this recurring issue?
Resources I am referencing are:
- https://www.laserfiche.com/support/webhelp/Laserfiche/10/en-US/administration/#../Subsystems/Forms/Content/Security.htm%3FTocPath%3DForms%7CAdministering%2520Laserfiche%2520Forms%7CSecurity%2520Overview%7C_____0
- https://www.laserfiche.com/support/webhelp/Laserfiche/10/en-US/administration/#../Subsystems/LFAdmin/Content/Rio_Avante_Licensing.htm%3FTocPath%3DLaserfiche%2520Administration%2520Guide%7CLaserfiche%2520Server%2520Administration%7CLaserfiche%2520Licensing%7CLaserfiche%2520Server%2520Licensing%7CLicensing%2520in%2520Laserfiche%2520Rio%2520and%2520Laserfiche%2520Avante%7C_____0