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AWS multiple availability zones and Cloud's high availability

asked on February 22, 2022 Show version history

 For provide redundancy in data storage and Cloud's high availability

 How to setup AWS multiple availability zones?
 What are the AWS high availability / Failover components available for attached architecture?

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replied on February 23, 2022

Hi Roshani,

When deploying Laserfiche on AWS, we do not generally recommend using Windows active/passive failover clustering for Laserfiche components. It adds lots of complexity for little benefit. Instead, do this:

  • Configure EC2 Auto Recovery so individual instances automatically recover from failures.
  • Use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) to continuously replicate your servers and volume data to a different Availability Zone (AZ) so you have the ability to fail the whole solution over to the secondary AZ. 
  • Configure AWS Backup to perform at least daily backups because AWS DRS is a Disaster Recovery solution, not a backup solution.
  • Optionally, use a Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for Windows File Server deployment to store repository volumes instead of EBS volumes attached to Laserfiche Server instances. Using EBS volumes protected with AWS DRS is likely cheaper and easier.
  • Use Amazon RDS for SQL Server with a Multi-AZ deployment for multi-AZ high-availability at the database level.


Amazon EBS volumes (disks) are highly available and durable by design and automatically replicate your data across multiple storage servers in an AZ.

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replied on February 24, 2022 Show version history

Thank you Samuel Carson 

Please can you suggest any solution on Azure for above multiple-zones and high availability requirement


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replied on February 25, 2022

You're welcome Roshani.

Your options for Azure are similar, though Azure Availability Zones are not quite the same as those on AWS, so you would be looking at a cross-region solution DR solution instead.

  • Azure Service Healing, the equivalent of EC2 Auto Recovery, is enabled by default on all Azure VMs to automatically recover from host failures.
  • Use Azure Site Recovery to continuously replicate your servers and volume data to a different Azure Region so you have the ability to fail the whole solution over to the secondary region.
  • Configure Azure Backup to perform at least daily backups because Azure Site Recovery is a Disaster Recovery solution, not a backup solution.
  • Use Azure SQL Managed Instance with active geo-replication and auto-failover groups to the secondary region.
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