Hello, I need help creating a workflow that connect with my laserfiche forms and connect with my template in the repository I try creating one but I keep getting errors so please show me I better way to create a workflow that connect with my laserfiche forms??
How to create a workflow that connect to the laserfiche forms and template in the repository??
You are aware that in the Save to Repository task in your Forms Business Process you can assign metadata?
You also have a separate STR task on each branch of your business process based on whether or not it was approved. You can set the location of each one differently so the Approved ones go into your Approved folder and the Rejected ones go into the Rejected folder.
I don't think you need a WF at all.
I think part of why you're having so much trouble in your other thread is that it's not clear what you're trying to achieve.
What are you trying to do? Forms has a Save to Laserfiche task (which can also set fields), why do you need Workflow?
Well I need the workflow to capture all the info from the form and it automatic put into the template something like this