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CMIS Gateway configuration documentation?

asked on January 12, 2021

I can't find a white paper or even a help page about configuring CMIS gateway. It looks pretty straightforward (edit the config.json file with the correct values) but I do have some questions:

1) What is the integrationLicenseKey? Our use case is for a RIO customer that just has one activation key for their entire system.

2) What is the default endpoint for the CMIS gateway?

3) What is the "id" key? Does it just have to be unique, or is there another requirement? Does it have to match anything configured on the LF server?

4) Does the server key have to be an FQDN, or just the friendly name?

5) I assume the thinClientUrl is the web access url based on the placeholder, should that be the externally accessible address ( or the local address (http://server/laserfiche)?

I also ran into an issue on installation - It misidentified the WCF / HTTP activation features as being not installed, when it was installed on the server then rebooted (see image) - wondering if I got the wrong WCF / HTTP activation or if it's a bug in the installer.

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replied on January 21, 2021

I got this very helpful answer from LF Support:

First, I would like to point out that the documentation for the CMIS gateway is stored with the SDK documentation under the directory path C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\SDK 10.4\Docs -- Do note that you will need to have the SDK license purchased and the SDK package installed in order to access the documentation. In addition to the documentation, the CMIS/SDK installer includes some sample CMIS gateway code that you can use to guide you. The sample code files are in the installation file under en-US\LFCmisGateway\CMISGatewayCodeSamples.

With that said, here are some general points to help guide you moving forward.

1) The integrationLicenseKey in the config file is referring to keys provided by Keyed Integrator Licenses which are special concurrent licenses that can be used by custom applications to connect to the Laserfiche server. If you would like to know more about the Keyed Integrator licenses, you can refer to the documentation.

2) The method of accessing the CMIS gateway will depend on the type of binding used. You can read more about this in the documentation or reference the code samples in the installation package.

3) The ID is a user-defined string that serves as a reference for the CMIS gateway to know what repository it is working with. There are no requirements and it does not need to match anything that is configured on the LF server. The ID will specifically allow you to know which repository the CMIS gateway is connecting to when you are building your code. If you had more than one repository configured in the gateway, the ID keys should be unique for each.

4) For the server key, whichever name allows the CMIS gateway to successfully contact the server should suffice.

5) This is an optional value and should point to a Laserfiche web client instance. So, when deciding which to use, I would see which allows you to access the specific web client URL that you are wanting to target.

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