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Total full user licenses 0 after server move

asked on November 26, 2020 Show version history

We copied over LF server from a physical machine to a vm last night. This morning I found that Administration Console says Total Full User licenses= 0. It is Avante ver. 10.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2.

I tried to reactivate using ActivationTool.exe. When I tried with the existing activation key, it said "Number of activation exceeded maximum..." or something like that. I managed to "generate" a new activation key from  and applied it. This time it went well without error but, after restarting the services, still Administration Console says Total User Licenses =0 and the clients get error "Sign in failed because the number of sessions has reached the license limit....".

Could anyone help us?

Laserfiche License error 2020-11-26.JPG
LF Client error.JPG
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replied on November 27, 2020

After successfully deactivating the old key, I managed to reactivate it again and everything is fine now. Just for other users who will search this in future, you need two machine dependent parameters for deactivation:

1) Hardware finger print: you can find it from old "lf.licx" file (it's just text file, you can open it)

2) Machine's Host ID: Basically the old machine's MAC address (all ":" must be replaced with "-")

And then run the ActivationTool.exe in command line. Eg:

ActivationToolNet4.exe -deactivate -key ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE -fingerprint 1234567890ABCDE1234567890ABCDE12 -hostid 00-11-22-33-44-55

I actually used the old version of ActivationTool.exe instead of ActivationToolNet4.exe because I could not download (actually I could but the content was zero always) the file. This null size downloaded file problem occurs in ALL Laserfiche download links in their websites, at least, for me. I am not quite sure but I suspect it may be intentional by Lasefiche to not allow non-LSAP users downloading any file. 

Again, thank you for the useful hints, you both.

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replied on November 30, 2020

No problem Nam, glad to hear you got sorted!

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replied on December 1, 2020

Glad you got it sorted 

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replied on November 27, 2020

Are you using LFDS to licence your system?  It would appear that your .lic file isn't valid or present in your LF Server folder.  As your LF system has moved, this would also change the Hardware ID which is linked to your .lic file.  Before migrating your system, ideally you should have de-registered the server in LF and then reactivated it in the new server. 


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replied on November 27, 2020

I echo what Anthony is saying, your license is invalid. I'm guessing becauser your hardware fingerprint has changed.


De-activate and re-activate your license to resolve the issue.


De-activation -


Activation whitepaper -

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replied on November 27, 2020

Thank you, Anthony and Chris.

We are not using LFDS but old style ActivationTool.exe. I tried to "re-activate" the existing key getting "Maximum number of activation exceeded". Tried new key and it ran smoothly creating a new .lic file but still I get 0 total user licenses. 

Chris' answer gave me a hint that I had to "de-activate" first the old key. This morning, I tried your first link, downloaded  but the content was 0.  :-(

I tried to upgrade to the latest version but the download site refuses me. I believe it's because we don't have LSAP any more. I feel being extorted by Laseriche not being able to "self-help" update of the product.

Yesterday, I succumbed the pressure and at last contacted local dealer for LSAP quote and they said they could not find our licence in their system (guess we are out of LSAP too long?). They said they will contact Laserfiche and I am still waiting.

This is 2nd day of Laserfiche stoppage and as the sole sysadmin of Laserfiche in our institution (local municipality), I feel a great pressure (and dissatisfaction on Laserfiche) now.  


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