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Update word table from forms table

asked on June 23, 2020

I am struggling with the merge table functionality when pulling the data from a forms table.  Under activity, I selected the Retrieve Business Process Variables activity and the Billing Rates table for the file.

I updated the word document as noted in the whitepaper as well as here: and here:

I have also looked at a number of the other posts on this topic which do not seem to provide insight for me, though I’m sure I’m missing something.

I included the table start and end items as noted.  Without these, the simple merge fields work for the first line of data and no subsequent data, but with them, I get no data.  The merge region name is the same as well.  Finally, since the currency has to be formatted in the table, I have done so under rate and total with the “\# $,0.00” which may be wrong, but can’t be tested until I get the table to populate which will not happen with or without that.

If anyone can give any insight into what I might be missing, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,


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replied on June 23, 2020 Show version history

Could you add screenshots of your Retrieve Business Process Variables activity? Do you get any data in the table? Are there any errors or warnings in the workflow instance details?

Your numeric formatting looks wrong. Microsoft documentation indicates that there should be a space before and after "\#".

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replied on June 23, 2020


Thank you for the note on the numeric formatting.  I have made those adjustments.

I have gotten no errors on the workflow when run to date and all other functions work as expected.

As to the retrieve business process variables, please see the below screenshots.  Looking at the metadata from instances of the workflow that have run, I am getting all of the lines of data in the retrieve business process variables step.  In a simple merge field, I can use the tokens to get each line of data to show by using a line break to separate the values, but the aesthetics are not what our business development team would like to see and I have not tested out the currency formatting on that.

Thank you,


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replied on June 23, 2020

Here are the metadata values we have received on our tests:

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replied on June 23, 2020

In Preparing Documents for Merge Fields paper -"each row in a data source" means you use the For Each Row Activity that references Custom Query or Data Query Activities. Table Merge can only be populated by Custom Query or Data Query Results file.

So read your variables from the Retrieve Business Process and Update External SQL database, then use Data Query Results  to populate the Table Merge.  

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replied on June 24, 2020

The use of an external table is not necessary. Forms tables and collections generate a token for the entire table that can be used to populate tables the same way the results of Search Repository or Data Query can.

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replied on June 24, 2020


Thank you.  Do you have any idea why the table will not populate then?  Should I use the table token rather than the individual field tokens?

Thank you,


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replied on June 24, 2020

You are using the table because Table Merge does not show the individual column tokens. You can double-check that by removing the individual fields from Retrieve BP Variables and only leaving the "billing rates" table.

What happens to this document after your merge data into it? Do you attach it to a LF entry? Email it out?

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