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snapshot stops working

asked on April 8, 2020

 version 10.4.2
 windows 10
 Problem:  Snapshot randomly stops working for various users.  They can select the snapshot printer and the print job goes to the queue and disappears but no window appears to prompt for the typical save to repository information.
Things tried:

  • Restarting the printer spooler service.
  • Remove Windows temp files (in C:\WINDOWS\temp).
  • Manually clear the spooler jobs out of the temp folder (instruction here
  • Snapshot Configuration → Advanced → Delete Temp Files
  • Updating to the latest client version (haven’t tried 10.4.3) but the issue occurs with older 10.3 versions as well as the latest 10.4.2 version.  I don’t see anything in the documentation that would indicate 10.4.3 would change anything.

The only thing I’ve found to resolve the problem is to re-install the Laserfiche Windows client as the user who is experiencing the problem.  While this is a “solution”, the problem reoccurs so I’m searching for the cause and hopefully a less time consuming “solution”. 

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replied on March 25, 2021

Yeah, thanks Bert.  The problem in this thread is different from and precedes that MS update.  And pertaining the link you posted, I'm responding to a lot of those too and rolling back the update has fixed that one!

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replied on May 14, 2021

I confirm this odd behavior in Snapshot.  We have one Windows 10 desktop that exhibits this behavior and has for quite some time (as LR indicates, the problem is prior to the present Windows update issues noted by BW).   The pattern seems here to be that on reinstall Snapshot works fine, UNTIL another Windows update is installed.  It does not appear to relate to what the Windows update is, just the process itself is knocking down Snapshot.  I theorize some sort of registry corruption of Laserfiche Snapshot related keys, but I am not informed at a level to evaluate this effectively.  I have delayed action, but may try a clean install of Windows.  I've been putting this off, concerned it may be a complete waste of time if we end up with the same issue after rebuild.  If I pursue this and have success, I'll try to update this string.

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replied on May 22, 2020

This may be related to the issue (or a rabbit trail).  Printer information displays multiple times.  When I go to printmanagement.msc, however, I do not see multiple copies of anything related to snapshot.  When I look or change settings for any selection, all are affected so I think they're merely shortcuts pointing at the same thing.  I've tried deleting, for example, one of the print queues but it removes queues for every snapshot reference.


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replied on May 25, 2020

Probably was a rabbit trail, another user with the snapshot problems had the printer information displayed properly...

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replied on March 24, 2021

This has been an outstanding problem for me too.  I've got users working around it but still no resolution.  Any new information?

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replied on March 25, 2021

No, I opened a case with support but ultimately the cause of the problem was never identified.  The only resolution I have for now is to re-install the client.  

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replied on March 25, 2021

Thanks for the reply!  On the cases I've encountered of this, I've reinstalled multiple times.  The problem is corrected each time after the reinstall but then comes up again within the same day.  I've not found a solution that actually addresses it.

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replied on March 30, 2021

Thanks Bert!

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replied on April 18, 2022

We are having this issue as well. Did anyone figure out a fix that I could pass along to our IT support? This problem is a source of much frustration for users.

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replied on April 19, 2022

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any fix other than re-installing the Windows client.  I had open a support case with Laserfiche but it was un-resolved.  I believe it also may be Window profile related as a different user can sign on to the affected computer and snapshot will work.  Also when re-installing, I found it has to be done signed in as the user with the problem.  Hopefully someone, wiser than I, will find a better fix.



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replied on August 5, 2022 Show version history

We have this same issue on one user's machine. Just new (the machine that is) I have reinstalled everything at least 5 times. First it refused to print from Adobe, now today it refuses to print from any application.  It was also showing this user as having never logged into Laserfiche before.... She has worked with it the last 5+ years. So that seems very odd. 

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replied on November 1, 2022

I still have this issue on occasion but only with Adobe PDF for some reason. 

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