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Error reading XML file - The XML file being uploaded has been corrupted

posted on February 18, 2020 Show version history

We have loaded 10 XML files to a new Form Server but there are 2 XML files that we are having issues.  Attached is the screenshot of the error and the file (renamed to txt).

The original server has version and the new server has version.

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replied on February 26, 2020

The issue reported has been identified as a bug (Id 227961) of Forms, it is caused by a filter in custom report is using criteria with "Process is in", you can remove this filter from the original process as for single process you don't need such filter.

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replied on February 26, 2020

By removing the criteria in the custom report, we were able to to upload the form to the new server.  Thank you. 

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replied on February 18, 2020

We took a look at your process today and narrowed the problem down to something in reports. If possible, could you

  1. Take some screenshots of the report configuration for each report on the process
  2. Delete the reports in the old server
  3. Migrate the processes to the new server
  4. Recreate the reports in the new server based on the screenshots


We will spend more time investigating the true cause in order to fix the issue, but the above will be the quickest solution for fixing your issue. 

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replied on February 19, 2020

Thank you for your response.  We will do so as advised.

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